小考鸭们! 本周 雅思预测来了 考试预测题出自学为贵 【李仙童预测】, 雅思名师团根据雅思官方的历年真题和出题规律, 总结出的近期的考试重点题目内容 听、说、写、阅,全科预测 是考前焦虑/缺乏复习重点人群的必选! 贵贵 温馨提示 不要背答案! 不要背答案! 不要背答案! 此篇为预测出自历年真题, 考试不会出一模一样的具体题目, 切勿背答案浪费时间和精力! 预测仅供参考!提升自我实力才是最重要的! 听力预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE Part-1
...... Part-2
...... Part-3
...... Part-4
...... 具体题目可在『学为贵APP』-『李仙童预测』-『听力题库』中查看 完整版私信贵贵领取哦~ 口语预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE Part1: 重点考题 Outer space & stars Technology Being happy Keys Geography Jewelry Sports Mornings Chocolate ...... Part 2: 人物类 Describe a friend from childhood who you remember very well. Describe a person from another culture you’d like to spend time with Describe a character from a film. ...... 地点建筑类 Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time Describe a place for sports that you’ve been to Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visit Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax ...... 媒体娱乐类 Describe a film/novel you enjoyed and would like to watch/read again Describe a website you often visit ...... 特殊类 Describe sth. Important that you learned ( not in school or college) ...... 扫码抢先预约新题库, 还可以加入口语群,和老师一起,讨论新题,寻找思路! 阅读预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE 【单词填写题】 P3 Lost Giant: Mammoth 【句子理解判断题】 P14 Yawn 【段落中心思想题】 P33 TV Addiction 【信息匹配题】 P35 Orientation of Birds 【选择题】 P47 Koala 【图表题】 P53 Traveler's Accounts ...... 写作预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE 教育类 In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, the government pays for them. Do the advantages of governments paying for fees outweigh the disadvantages? ..... 犯罪类 In most countries, prison is the common solution for the problem of crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that people will not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? ...... 政府类 Some people think that governments should be responsible for carrying out and controlling scientific research rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? ..... 动物保护类 It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaur, dodos …). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree? ..... 咱们预测虽然准 也不要死记硬背哦 ·end· —『想拿7分的人,都关注南京学为贵啦』— 扫码直接咨询 / 点击右上角三个点→立即关注 |