曾几何时,国内因为饥荒的原因,乡亲们抓过野生动物吃,实在正常不过。那个时候,吃饱饿不死再说,没有人留意野生动物和家养动物的区别,更谈不上为了“滋补”、“养生”而去专门吃野生动物。而在国内温饱问题基本解决之后,一部分食客不再满足于粥粉面饭。他们把筷子转向了野生动物,最具代表性的就是穿山甲、果子狸、娃娃鱼、鸟类等野生动物,还有一些更加珍惜的保护动物。凡是普通农场里没有养殖的物种,食客们都想试一试。 很多食客以一掷千金为荣,以请人吃山珍野味为炫耀的资本;有人夸夸其谈,夸耀吃过什么别人见都没见过的东西。社交圈里“炫”、朋友圈里“晒”,沾沾自喜作以谈资,觉得自己倍有“面子”。 实话实说,大多数野生动物其实并不好吃,皮糙肉厚筋骨多,烹饪料理方式粗暴,大多数人都是吃一次尝尝鲜而已。还要冒野生动物受环境污染、携带病原的风险。今天,古心哥就带领大家来看看歪果仁眼里的野味和家养食材的区别。 每年,美国大约90%的鱼都是进口的。这意味着你在餐桌上看到的大多数鱼都来自别的地方,你可能不知道它是养殖的还是野生的。从营养学的角度来看,这两种鱼之间并没有太大的区别,所以你在养殖或野生捕获的鱼之间的选择与经济或环境问题有关。 Each year, the United States imports about 90 percent of the fish we eat. That means most of the fish you see on your table came from somewhere else and you may not know if it was farmed or wild caught. From a nutritional standpoint, there is isn't much difference between the two types of fish, so your choice between farmed or wild caught fish will have to do with economic or environmental issues. 野生鱼概述 Overview of Wild Caught Fish 野生鱼包括使用渔网,陷阱,或鱼线捕获的所有的鱼和海鲜。人类捕获野生鱼类和海产品已经有数千年的历史,事实上,鱼类和贝类被认为是可再生资源,因为在正常条件下,它们可以通过繁衍来补充它们的种群。 The wild caught fish include all the fish and seafood caught in nets, traps, or with fishing lines. Humans have harvested wild fish and seafood for millennia, and in fact, fish and shellfish are considered to be renewable resources because under normal conditions they can replenish their populations naturally. 然而,问题在于鱼类和海鲜需求的增加导致了过度捕捞的发生。美国国家海洋和大气管理局监视美国的渔业,并利用科学方法管理鱼类种群,防止过度捕捞。这当然是一件好事,帮助维持野生鱼类种群数量的一种方法是增加养殖鱼产业。 The problem, however, is that an increase in the demand for fish and seafood is causing overfishing to occur. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration watches over fisheries in the United States and using scientific methods to manage fish populations to prevent overfishing. That's certainly a good thing, and one way to help sustain wild fish populations is to increase the availability of farmed fish. 养殖鱼类的好处 Benefits of Farmed Fish 养殖的鱼是在封闭的区域或容器中饲养的。全世界大约一半的海鲜都是在农场饲养的。根据威斯康星鱼养殖组织的说法,威斯康星州的鱼养殖户是世界上增长最快的食品生产形式,而水产养殖(这是渔业的一个很酷的词汇)是世界上增长最快的食品产业。 Farmed fish are raised in enclosed areas or tanks. About half of the seafood consumed throughout the world is farm-raised. According to Eat Wisconsin Fish, a trade organization for Wisconsin fish farmers, aquaculture (the cool word for fish farming) is the fastest growing form of food production in the world. 中国在水产养殖方面排名第一,美国排在第13位,鲶鱼和鳟鱼是主要的美国养殖鱼类。 China ranks number one in aquaculture production and the U.S. ranks 13th, with catfish and trout being the main American farmed fish. 养殖鱼类是有益的,因为它可以减轻过度捕捞的地区的压力,并允许枯竭的野生鱼类种群再度壮大。养殖鱼类,如三文鱼,与它们的野生近亲相比,它们的欧米茄-3脂肪酸含量更高,只要它们的饲料是由欧米茄-3脂肪酸所组成。 Farmed fishing may be beneficial because it can take pressure off over-fished areas and allow depleted wild fish populations to return. Farmed fish, such as salmon, can be higher in omega-3 fatty acids compared to their wild cousins, as long as they're feed is composed of omega-3 fish. 养殖鱼的缺点有哪些? What's the Downside of Farmed Fish? 水产养殖仍然会对环境产生影响。虽然美国的养鱼业受到监管,但其他国家的情况并非如此。由于美国进口的大部分都是鱼,所以很难知道你买的鱼是否来自一个可持续的“农场”。至于风味和口感,由于养殖鱼的饲料种类,可能会有细微的差别,但这并不是真正的缺点,只是会有所不同。 Aquaculture can still have an effect on the environment. While fish farming in the U.S. is regulated, that's not the case for all other countries. Since the U.S. imports most of it's fish, it's just difficult to know if the fish you're buying came from a sustainable 'farm' or not. As far as flavor and texture, there may be slight differences due to the types of feed given to the farmed fish, but that's not really a downside, just a difference. 营养比较 Nutritional Comparison 养殖和野生捕获的鱼之间可能存在一些微小的营养差异,但并不代表食用养殖鱼类不健康。举个例子,如果你比较养殖鲶鱼和野生鲶鱼的营养状况,你会发现野生鲶鱼有更多的维生素D和钾,但是养殖的鱼有更多的多不饱和脂肪。野生鲶鱼有更多的蛋白质,养殖也有更多的卡路里,但总的来说,吃鱼是一种不错的健康选择。 There may be some minor nutritional differences between farmed and wild caught fish, but not enough to proclaim one or there other as unhealthy. For example, if you compare the nutrition profile for raw farmed channel catfish with raw wild channel catfish, you'll find the wild catfish has more vitamin D and potassium, but the farmed fish has more polyunsaturated fats. The wild catfish has a little more protein and the farmed has a few more calories, but all in all, either fish is a nice healthy choice for dinner. 在鲑鱼的例子中,野生的大西洋养殖鲑鱼含有更多的多不饱和脂肪,包括一种少量的e二十(EPA),而养殖的野生鲑鱼,含有更多的卡路里。 In the case of salmon, raw Atlantic farmed salmon has quite a bit more polyunsaturated fats, including a little eicosoapentaenoic acid (EPA) than raw wild salmon. It also has a few more calories. 三盎司的野生鲑鱼有121卡路里的热量,而三盎司的养殖鲑鱼有177卡路里。 Three ounces of wild salmon has 121 calories compared to three ounces of farmed salmon that has 177. 究竟哪种鱼更安全? Which Fish Are Safer? 吃鱼的最大的问题之一是汞污染的可能性。但是最容易出现汞问题的往往集中于个头都比较大的鱼类。如剑鱼、鱼尾鱼、鲨鱼和鲭鱼等,而养殖场养殖的鱼鲶鱼、鲑鱼和鳟鱼则汞污染可能性较小。 One of the biggest concerns with eating fish food is the potential for mercury contamination. But the species that are most prone to mercury problems are big, old fish. Swordfish, tilefish, shark, and king mackerel are the fish most likely to contain large amounts of mercury, whereas the farm raised fish catfish, salmon, and trout are not likely to be a concern. Sources: Institute of Food Technologists. "Wild-Caught Fish vs. Farm-Raised Fish." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "Managing U.S. Fisheries." United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. "National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 28." Washington State Department of Health. "Farmed Salmon vs. Wild Salmon." - END - 编辑:忽新刚 |