尽管电影没有直接影响 Ivan Smagghe 的音乐制作,但其风格则体现出不少电影音乐元素。Smagghe 曾在 Resident Advisor 的采访中,娓娓而谈电影与音乐的关系,如后者如何“包装”前者;此外,他还谈到了广角拍摄、自己最爱的音乐以及作曲人;最后,他总结道:声音创造情感。感兴趣的朋友不妨点击阅读原文观看完整视频,走入这位影响力 DJ 的 音乐世界。尤其是他在 2012 年登台巴黎 Boiler Room 的表现,至今令乐迷回味。本月,他将开启中国巡演,首站上海 All,并会在之后去到北京 DADA、成都 Loop! Boiler Room - Ivan Smagghe Boiler Room DJ Set at W Hotel Paris Although film might not directly influence the sounds of Ivan Smagghe, the music he makes or the soundtracks he prefers is extremely clear to his palette. Smagghe breaks it down with Resident Advisor on his strange, unconventional and singular taste in cinema. From wide angle shots, selected bands to music composers, Smagghe examines how sometimes the soundtrack can overcast the film by creating an atmosphere, while adding elements that foreshadow the narrative. In the end, sound creates emotion. With nearly a decade of putting our numerous remixes and releases, watch Inspired by Film on Ivan Smagghe and contrast how his likings differ from his productions and sets, especially his Boiler Room Paris set in 2012. He's long regarded as your favorite DJ’s favorite DJ, catch him as he returns with Yeti:Disko in Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. Ivan Smagghe's Top 10 Records Ivan Smagghe – Hard! (2002) Young Sick & Beautiful (2005) Ivan Smagghe – Fabric 23 (2005) Ivan Smagghe – A Few Things From Ivan Smagghe... (2010) Ivan Smagghe – A Walk In The Woods With Ivan Smagghe (2012 ) Boiler Room Paris (2012) Boiler Room London (2012) Freaks (Ivan Smagghe Version) (2014) Ivan Smagghe – Dath Disco (2014) Invisible Cities – Moments In Between (2015) UPCOMINGSHOW YETI DIS:KO presents IVAN SMAGGHE @ ALL Shanghai support: ALLAN MARSHALL (YETI DIS:KO) ALTIERI (SLOWMOTION RECORDS) ALL SHANGHAI IVAN SMAGGHE @DADA BEIJING 6 月 22 日 YETI DIS:KO presents IVAN SMAGGHE (Les Disques de la Mort, NTS / London) @ DADA BEIJING Lineup: IVAN SMAGGHE (Its a fine line / FRANCE) Allan Marshall (Yeti Dis:ko) Pei (byebyedisco) 22:00 – Late DADA BEIJING DADA 206 Gulou Dongdajie, Building B, Room 101, Beijing IVAN SMAGGHE @LOOP CHENGDU 6 月 23 日 YETI DIS:KO presents IVAN SMAGGHE (Les Disques de la Mort, NTS / London) @ LOOP CHENGDU Lineup: IVAN SMAGGHE (Les Disques de la Mort, NTS / London) Allan Marshall (Yeti Dis:ko) Donn (Bassis) 22:00 – Late LOOP CHENGDU ALL B, SHUILIANHE JIAOZI CONCERT HALL, JINJIANG DISTRICT, CHENGDU CIT www.yetiout.com |