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2022-12-13 10:28| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 112| 评论: 0

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简介:汉语课堂上,师生应酬多盘绕“去哪儿玩”“吃什么”“天气怎样样”一类,汉语教员除了汉语学问过硬,更应该是学问面丰厚,提供最近抢手话题的中英双语版,拓展聊天内容哦!考研同窗,能够作为政治热点、英文阅读素材 ...



强降雨 torrential rain Days of torrential rain in central China's Hunan province raised the water level of the Xiangjiang River, a major tributary of the Yangtze River, to exceed its record flood level Sunday morning.湖南省连日强降雨,招致长江主要主流湘江水位上升,2日上午已超历史最高水位。

Already at 3.2 meters above the warning level, the water level is expected to continue to rise as heavy rain is forecast for upstream regions over the next few days.目前,湘江水位已超警戒水位3.2米,未来几天上游地域强降雨继续,水位可能继续上涨。

Tributary指的是a stream or river that flows into a larger one,即“主流”,“XX江/河的主流”普通都用a tributary of ...River表示,好比这里的a major tributary of the Yangtze River或者a tributary of the Amazon(亚马逊河的一条主流),等等。由于主流也分大小,所以能够在tributary前面添加major来表示某条河流是“主要主流”。


笑气 laughing gas Chinese student Lin Na (not her real name) got hooked on laughing gas while studying in the U.S., resulting in serious injury.中国学生林娜(化名)在美国学习期间吸食笑气成瘾,招致身体机能严重受损。

笑气(laughing gas),学名一氧化二氮(nitrous oxide),在室温下是无色(colorless)、无味的不可燃气体(odorless non-flammable gas)。温度升高后,可成为很强的氧化剂(powerful oxidizer)。

由于具有麻醉效果(anaesthetic effects),一氧化二氮曾经被普遍应用于外科和牙科治疗;也由于吸入此气体之后,人会产生愉悦的觉得(euphoric effects),所以才会得名“笑气”。此外,一氧化二氮还可用作火箭推进剂中的氧化剂(oxidizer in rocket propellants),以及赛车时提升发起机的动力输出(increase the power output of engines)。

据媒体报道,年轻人吸食“笑气”时先将气体冲进气球,然后抱着气球吸食,这种气球被称为“嗨气球”(dizzy balloons)。

“笑气”进入血液后会招致人体缺氧,长期吸食可能惹起高血压(high blood pressure)、晕厥(syncope),以至心脏病发作(heart attack)。长期接触此类气体还可惹起贫血(anemia)及中枢神经系统损伤(central nervous system injury)等。假如超量摄入,很可能由于缺氧招致窒息死亡(die of suffocation)。

目前,笑气尚未列入我国麻醉药品种类目录(catalogue of narcotic drugs)、肉体药品种类目录(catalogue of psychotropic drugs)。国度食药监局曾发布一份关于“吸入笑气”的界定通知,明白标注吸入笑气镇痛装置被列为第三类医疗器械。

“圣安德烈”勋章 the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle 7月4日,国度主席习近平在莫斯科克里姆林宫同俄罗斯总统普京举行谈判。谈判后,普京向习近平授予俄罗斯国度最高勋章“圣安德烈”勋章。

Noting that China and Russia are good neighbors, friends and partners, Xi told Putin during talks at the Kremlin that the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, which boasts a strong vitality and huge development potential and will be able to withstand the test of international vicissitudes.习近平指出,中俄两国是好邻居、好朋友、好同伴。中俄全面战略协作同伴关系契合两国和两国人民基本利益,具有强大生命力和庞大展开潜力,经得起国际风云变幻考验。

Putin presented Xi with the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle, one of Russia's highest honors, for his prominent work in strengthening friendship between the peoples of Russia and China.普京向习近平授予俄罗斯国度最高勋章“圣安德烈”勋章,对习近平为增强中俄两国人民友谊做出的出色贡献致意。

“圣安德烈”勋章(the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle)是俄罗斯的最高勋章(the highest order of the Russian Federation),1698年由彼得一世设立,1917年,该勋章停用;1998年恢复运用,是俄罗斯最高荣誉的意味。

王者光彩 King of Glory Tencent's mobile game King of Glory is enjoying phenomenal popularity with over 200 million registered players, 36 million of whom are middle and primary school students.腾讯手游《王者光彩》已成为现象级的盛行游戏,目前已有超越2亿注册用户。其中,3600万人是中小学生。


人民网以为,《王者光彩》给孩子们构成的不良影响有两个方面: 一是游戏内容架空和虚拟历史,扭曲价值观和历史观;二是过度沉溺让孩子在肉体与身体上被过度耗费。First, the game's content is a twist of values and historical views. Second, young people's minds and bodies are consumed by their indulgence in the game.

腾讯在官方微信公众号刊文,引述《王者光彩》开发团队有关担任人称: 王者作为一款游戏产品,游戏设计自身是完整契合国度规则的(the game’s design fully complied with government requirements),但王者往常曾经是一款国民游戏,就必须承担起对应的义务。 该担任人说:“固然目前国内还没有移动游戏防沉浸的明白规则,但我们决议率先做出一些努力和尝试……来消弭父母的忧虑。”China does not yet have any guidelines to prevent mobile-gaming addiction, but we decided to take the initiative...and dispel parents’ concerns.

所以,腾讯于7月4日以《王者光彩》为试点,率先推出健康游戏防沉浸系统的“三板斧”(“three broad axes”)。 该系统被称为中国游戏行业有史以来最严厉的防沉浸措施(most serious anti-addiction measures in history)。

简单来说,这三板斧就是以下一系列措施:1. 12周岁以下(含12周岁)未成年人每天限玩1小时,并计划上线晚上9时以后遏止登陆功用;Users 12 years of age and younger are limited to one hour of play a day and will not be permitted to sign in after 9pm. 12周岁以上未成年人每天限玩2小时;Users between 12 and 18 years of age are limited to two hours per day.超出时间的玩家将被游戏强迫下线。Those who play beyond the allotted time period will be forced to go offline.陆续增加“未成年人消费限额”功用,限制未成年人的非理性消费。Tencent will also place caps on the amount of money that underage users can spend on the platform, so as to rein in minors’ irrational consumption.

2. 升级长大守护平台,大幅降低操作门槛,家长只需求简单步骤就能够完成绑定,对未成年人子女的游戏账号中止健康行为的监护。Tencent also said it would upgrade a parental control platform to make it easier for parents to monitor their children’s gaming account activities.

3. 强化实名认证体系。Step up the requirement of real-name registration for all users.

人造太阳 artificial sun Chinese scientists announced they have set a new world record by achieving 101.2 seconds of steady-state H-mode operation of the tokamak, an experimental device designed to harness the energy of fusion.我国科学家宣布,他们胜利完成了托卡马克101.2秒稳态高约束运转,发明了新的世界纪录。托卡马克是一种旨在应用核聚变能量的实验装置。

The milestone meant China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), dubbed "artificial sun," became the world's first tokamak device to achieve the 100-second-level, Hefei Institute of Physical Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences said Wednesday.中科院合肥物质科学研讨院5日称,这一里程碑式事情标记着,我国的"全超导托卡马克实验装置(东方超环)"成为世界首个运转时间抵达百秒量级的托卡马克装置。东方超环也被称作"人造太阳"。

东方超环(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,EAST)是世界上第一个完成稳态高约束方式运转持续时间抵达百秒量级的托卡马克核聚变实验装置,对国际热核聚变实验堆(International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor,ITER)计划具有严重科学意义。

ITER计划是当前世界上范围最大的国际核聚变研讨科技项目(international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject),也是世界上最大的磁约束等离子体物理实验(the world's largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment)。ITER计划将建造、运转一个可持续熄灭的托卡马克型聚变实验堆(a burning/self-sustaining tokamak nuclear fusion reactor),以考证聚变反响堆的工程技术可行性。

托卡马克(tokamak)是一种应用磁约束(magnetic confinement)来完成受控核聚变(controlled thermonuclear fusion power)的环形容器。它的名字Tokamak 来源于环形(toroidal)、真空室(kamera)、磁(magnet)、线圈(kotushka),最初是由前苏联物理学家伊戈尔·塔姆等人在20世纪50年代发明的。托卡马克的中央是一个环形的真空室,外面缠绕着线圈。在通电的时分托卡马克的内部会产生庞大的螺旋型磁场,将其中的等离子体加热到很高的温度,以抵达核聚变的目的。

无人智能巡查艇 unmanned patrol speedboat The Institute of Intelligent Machines under the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that it has launched the country's first unmanned speedboat to save people from drowning.中国科学院智能机械研讨所近日宣布推出我国首艘无人快艇,避免人员溺水。

这艘“无人智能巡查艇”(unmanned patrol speedboat)配备了摄像头、GPS导航(GPS navigation)、声纳(sonar detector)等多种高科技设备,同时岸上还架设了20多台光学摄像(optical camera)和热红外摄像头(thermal infrared camera)。辨认到有人进入风险水域(dangerous waters),巡查艇会鸣笛并用喇叭正告对方尽快分开,同时对进入风险水域的人员中止定位、计算溺水风险(calculate the risk of drowning),并向值班人员发送信息。

7月3日下午,合肥市公安局巢湖水上分局在天鹅湖举行“无人智能巡查艇”首巡仪式(the craft made its debut recently at swan Lake in Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui province)。据研发人员引见,巡查艇是充电的(rechargeable),能够确保24小时在湖面上巡航,白天主要是靠高清摄像头,晚上则是红外线摄像头,辨认范围在500米以内。

AR录取通知书 AR admission notice The Northwestern Polytechnical University on Tuesday issued the letter of acceptance using Augmented Reality (AR) technology to students. This is the first AR-enabled university admission notice in China. 4日,西北工业大学向学生发出了运用增强理想(AR)技术的录取通知书。这是国内首份启用AR的大学录取通知书。

4日下午,国内第一封AR大学录取通知书(AR university admission notice)从位于古城西安的西北工业大学发出,通知书的主人是来自山东的艺术类考生魏同窗。据悉,今年西工大在每一份录取通知书中都嵌入了基于AR技术的虚拟校园平台(embed a virtual campus platform based on AR technology)。AR技术可实时地计算摄像头视角的位置及角度(calculate the position and angle of camera view in real time),并加上相应图像、视频和3D模型(images, videos and 3D models),将真实和虚拟世界无缝集成 (seamlessly integrate the physical and virtual worlds)。

据引见,收到AR录取通知书(admission notice, letter of acceptance)的同窗,只需完成三步:拿起微信扫一扫,关注通知书上的"畅玩AR";下载"西工大增强理想"应用;翻开应用,扫描通知书正背面(scan the letter, front and back),就能畅快查看校情校史(history of the university)引见、学科特征(discipline characteristics)展示等主题内容。当扫描通知书背面的"航空"、"航天"、"航海"(aviation, space and sailing)标记时,会呈现有关西工大学校特征的动态展示(dynamic display of the school features)。该校招生办(admissions office)副主任谢丹表示,AR录取通知书不只让录取信息"动"了起来,更经过新媒体(new media)新技术使学校育人工作"活"了起来:用学生喜闻乐见的方式,提早了创新大门的开启时间,丰厚了创新基因的传承渠道。

扶老人风险基金 risk fund for those who help the elderly A charity organization in Shenyang, Liaoning, established the country's first risk fund for those kind-hearted people who fall into trouble after going to the assistance of a senior citizen.近日,辽宁省沈阳市一家慈悲组织面向那些因辅佐老人而堕入省事的好意人,设立了国内首个扶老人风险基金。

近年来,好意人向老人伸出援手(good Samaritans go to the aid of an elderly person)却被诬害为致使老人出事的罪魁祸首,结果反遭起诉索赔(be sued for compensation)的事情屡见报端。老人向好意人讹钱的可耻行为(scandalous behavior of elderly people extorting money from good Samaritans)给社会带来了极端不良的影响,使人们不再愿意辅佐他人(make people reluctant to help others)。

往常,"扶老人风险基金(risk fund for those who help the elderly)"能为扶持者提供良好的维护,该基金旨在鼓舞大众向那些需求辅佐的人伸出援手(encourage the public to extend a helping hand to people in need)。首期基金(initial fund)金额为20万元,基金时效至2020年底。任何遇上省事的"扶老人者"均可拨打热线电话(call the hotline),该慈悲组织将派工作人员为好意人中止调查取证(investigate the incident and collect evidence),并无偿提供法律援助(provide free legal aid)、医药费(medical expense)垫付和代为赔偿效劳,为扶持老人带来的风险兜底。

专家表示,固然人们对第三方维护措施表示欢送,全社会都应培育义务感和诚信认识(the whole society should cultivate a sense of duty and integrity),避免冤枉好意人(avoid doing wrong to good Samaritans)。此外,政府还应完善相关法律法规(laws and regulations should be improved),以维护那些乐于伸出援手的扶持者。

收费公路债券 toll road bond China will issue local toll road bonds this year to standardize local government's financing for toll roads, according to an official statement released by the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Transport on Wednesday.依据财政部、交通运输部12日发布的一份官方文件,今年我国将发行中央收费公路债券,以规范中央政府的收费公路融资行为。

依据财政部、交通运输部印发的《中央政府收费公路专项债券管理措施(试行)》,中央政府收费公路(toll road, tollway)专项债券是中央政府专项债券的一个种类,是指中央政府为展开政府收费公路举借,以项目对应并归入政府性基金预算管理的车辆通行费收入、专项收入出借的专项债券(special-purpose bond)。 过去中央展开收费公路主要有两种方式,一种是由社会投资者运用BOT(build-operate-transfer,树立-运营-转让)等运营性方式树立,另一种是由县级以上交通运输部门采用"贷款修路、收费还贷(borrow loans from banks for road construction and pay back the loans with toll collections)"方式树立。随着中央原有各类交通融资平台的政府融资功用被取消,发行中央政府债券(local government bond)成为中央政府实施债务融资新建公路的独一渠道(the only debt-financing channel for new road construction)。政府收费公路(government-operated toll road)"贷款修路、收费还贷"方式需求相应调整,改为政府发行专项债券方式筹措树立资金。

此次发布的试行措施明白,收费公路专项债券资金专项用于政府收费公路项目树立,优先用于国度高速公路项目树立,重点支持"一带一路"(Belt and Road Initiative)、京津冀协同展开(coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)、长江经济带(Yangtze River Economic Belt)三大战略规划的政府收费公路项目树立。

无人超市 unmanned supermarket Domestic e-commerce giant Alibaba opened two grocery stores with no cashiers in Hangzhou recently, following the example of Amazon, which opened its first unmanned supermarket AmazonGo in the US last year.去年,亚马逊在美国开设其首家无人超市AmazonGo。近日国内电子商务巨头阿里巴巴效仿亚马逊,在杭州开设了两家没有收银员的杂货店。

近日,阿里巴巴在杭州开设了两家无人超市(unmanned supermarket)。这两家无人超市采用了生物辨认(biological recognition)和深度学习(in-depth learning)等先进的数字支付技术(advanced digital payment technology)。顾客需求有一个支付宝账户(Alipay account),分开店铺时购物消费将从其账户上自动扣除(the payment for their purchases are automatically deducted from their account)。生物辨认技术将可辅佐无人超市辨认出偷盗者和信誉记载较差的消费者(consumer with poor credit records)。

无人超市是有望推进批发业展开的一次改造(an innovation that is expected to promote the development of the retail industry)。它将线上效劳与线下效劳的优势相分离(combine the advantages of online and offline service),发明了批发业的新方式(create a new model for the retail industry),旨在为人们提供更方便高效的购物体验(offer people a more convenient and efficient shopping experience)。

在业内人士看来,无人超市契合批发业日趋多元化、科技化、时兴化的大趋向,但其展开也面临着不少痛点。首先中国没有自助购物(self-help shopping)的消费习气,无人店的货品丧失率、设备耗损率、店内卫生等都需求思索在内。此外,目前想要进入大部分无人店,消费者第一步需求经过微信或支付宝考证身份(verify their identity)。在人口老龄化(aging population)日趋严重的今天,这给年长的消费者顺利运用无人方便店(convenience store)设置了不低的门槛。

轻视链 chain of contempt Based on the quality, diversity and price of animated series, a so-called "chain of contempt" analysis of the sector went viral on social media. The pyramid-shaped graphic lists Chinese and foreign animation programs in three layers according to popularity.依据质量、多样性以及价钱等要素排列的动画片“轻视链”在社交媒体疯传。这个金字塔型的轻视链依据动画片的受欢送水平将国产和外国动画片分为三个层级。

At the top are the most popular cartoons that are not translated into Chinese yet, such as Adventure Time, Bob's Burgers and Bear Bernard. These are followed by cartoons imported from the United States, Europe, South Korea and Japan, including Walt Disney animations, SpongeBob SquarePants and Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends. The Chinese series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Boonie Bears and GG Bond ranked at the bottom of the pyramid.位于金字塔尖的是《探险活宝》、《开心汉堡店》、《倒运熊》等最盛行、还没有中文版的动画片,紧随其后的是《迪士尼》、《海绵宝宝》、《托马斯小火车》等从欧美、日韩等地引进的动画片,《喜羊羊》、《熊出没》、《猪猪侠》等国产动画片排在塔底。

“轻视链”(chain of contempt)一词最早见于南方都市报2012年4月7日深圳杂志“城市周刊”专题:“在轻视曾经变得悍然、无畏、肆无忌惮的当下,似乎不轻视无以证明自己的优秀、高端与胜利。你轻视我,我轻视他,轻视食物链将消弭的等级制度再次建构,竖中指、翻白眼就是隔开自恋、自卑的‘宫墙’。”

假如用英语来表白的话,chain of contempt is a somewhat linear sequence of links, where each link feels superior to its next link and consequently shows contempt toward it(轻视链从某种意义上说就是不同事物间的线性排列,该序列上的每个事物都觉得自己比排在后面的事物更高端,因而对其表示出轻视的态度)。

Contempt表示“轻视、蔑视,(对规则等)藐视、不顾”的意义,常用的搭配有have contempt for someone/something(轻视某人/某事),假如有人在法庭上大吵大闹,法官就可能会以“藐视法庭罪”(contempt of court)对其中止判罚。

滩长制 coast chief Zhejiang province is to appoint coast chiefs to fight pollution and illegal fishing.浙江省将推行滩长制来管理污染和非法捕鱼。

The provincial government said that the arrangement will take effect on August 7 and by the end of this year all coasts in Zhejiang should have their chiefs.浙江省政府表示,滩长制将从8月7日开端实施,到今年年底,省内一切海滩都将完成滩长全掩盖。

滩长(coast chief)的主要任务包含全面取消海滩违禁渔具、“三无”渔船(imposing a comprehensive ban on illegal fishing gears and unlicensed fishing boats),增强入海排污口和农药清滩行为监管(strengthening supervision on waste and pesticide discharged into the sea),增强非法占用海滩( illegal use of coasts)、非法修、造、拆船舶监管(illegal ship building, repairing and recycling),增强岸线管理和整治修复(shoreline management and renovation)。

浙江省海洋与渔业局相关担任人表示,海滩管理触及海洋资源维护(marine resources conservation)、海陆水环境管理(land and sea water environment management)、海滩运用管理等,是一项范围广、范畴多、变动大的复杂的系统工程。

职务立功 work-related crime A total of 30,538 Chinese officials were investigated for work-related crimes in the first half of 2017, according to a seminar for chief procurators on Wednesday. 12日,全国大检察官研讨班会议表示,今年上半年,全国立案侦查职务立功人数达30538人。

职务立功(work-related crime/duty crime)是指国度机关、国有公司、企业事业单位、人民团体工作人员应用已有职权,贪污(corruption)、贿赂(bribery)、秉公作弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)、滥用职权(abusing authority)、玩忽职守(dereliction of duty),侵犯公民权益(infringing civil rights),破坏国度对公务活动的规章规范,依照刑法应当予以刑事处分的立功。

今年1到6月,除北京、山西、浙江三个试点地域外,其他29个省份立案侦查贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等职务立功30538人,同比上升19.6%。其中原县处级干部(officials on county level)1505人、原厅局级干(officials on bureau level)224人。

在扶贫范畴查处职务立功(duty crimes in poverty alleviation work)1650人,同比上升81.7%;突出查处严重义务事故背地的职务立功(work-related crimes that led to accidents with serious consequences)495人。在职务立功国际追逃追赃专项工作(campaign to hunt down fleeing fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes)方面,已有39个国度和地域遣返、劝返外逃职务立功嫌疑人(suspects who were repatriated or persuaded to return to China)174人,其中“百名红通人员”28人。

共享床铺 shared sleep cabin Following shared bikes, shared umbrellas and shared chargers, the sharing economy has welcomed a new player:shared sleep cabins, although its future looks uncertain.继共享单车、共享雨伞、共享充电器之后,共享经济又迎来了一个新方式:共享床铺,不外,该方式前景尚不明朗。

“共享床铺”(shared sleep cabin)是一个长约2米、宽约1米的外形相似太空舱的睡眠舱(sleep capsule),正确的叫法是“共享自助休息舱”,舱内可调理灯光,还配备USB接口、充电口、免费Wi-Fi、插座等,有小型换气扇,但没有空调。

用户可经过扫描二维码(scan a QR code),翻开舱门,点击“解锁舱门”能够暂时分开也能够终了入住,一次性寝具(disposable bedding kit)(包含太空毯blanket、一次性床单bedsheet、一次性枕巾pillow cover 、湿纸巾wet tissue)等均由租客自取。

在北京、上海和成都试运转一段时间后,三地的体验店于7月18日关停中止技术整改(technical overhaul),“享睡空间”总担任人代建功表示,借这个关门的机遇,把系统升级了,身份认证和支付系统也完善一下(improve the ID verification and payment system),也跟主管部门进一步沟通。假如不能让消费者称心,也不能抵达政府的监管请求,肯定不会正式大范围地推出这个产品。

合拍片 co-production China Central Television (CCTV) has announced a deal with toy manufacturer Hasbro to produce an animation featuring the Transformers together with the Chinese mythological character, Nezha.中国中央电视台宣布与美国玩具制造商孩之宝达成协作协议,将制造以变形金刚和中国神话人物哪吒为主角的动画片。

“合拍片”在英语里通常都用co-production来表示,此次制造将中国的神话人物哪吒与美国的盛行文化形象变形金刚相分离,其实也能够叫做crossover,即“两种不同作风的混合、融合”。The Beijinger网站在报道这个新闻的时分就是这样说的:You've enjoyed them separately but battling robots and Chinese mythology will finally meet-up in the ultimate crossover as state broadcaster CCTV and toy maker Hasbro have agreed to collaborate on a cartoon that will feature the Transformers and Nezha, a popular Chinese mythological character.


双方就制造规格(production standards)、播出时间(air date)、学问产权归属(IP ownership)、法律事务(legal affairs)等方面达成共识。双方还表示,等候树立愈加稳定的战略协作同伴关系(strategic partnership),深度发掘经典动画IP的品牌价值(explore brand value of classic cartoons),进一步激起既有动画IP的品牌生机(further stimulate vitality of existing cartoons)。

中印边疆 China-India border The Ministry of Defense has demanded India immediately withdraw its military from Chinese territory, warning its leaders not to leave things to luck or have unrealistic expectations.国防部请求印方立行将越界的边防人员撤回,提示印方,不要心存侥幸,不要抱着不真实际的幻想。

6月中旬,中方在洞朗地域道路施工(road construction at Doklam area)时,遭到印军越线阻拦。洞朗地域是中国领土,中方在自己领土上中止正常的修路活动,这是中国的主权行为,完整合理合法。印方悍然派军队越过双方招认的边疆线进入中国境内(the Indian military crossed the mutually recognized section of the China-India border),其行为严重损伤中国主权、严重违背了国际法基本准绳(India's actions had severely infringed China's sovereignty and the basic principles of international laws)。

吴谦表示,中方捍卫国度领土主权的决计和意志坚决不移,将不惜一切代价维护自己的领土主权战争安利益(China will resolutely protect its territorial sovereignty, and will spare no effort in maintaining its sovereignty and security interests)。中国边防部队已在现地采取紧急应对措施,并将进一步增强针对性部署和锻炼(Chinese border troops have begun emergency measures, and will strengthen specific training and deployment)。

他提示印方,不要心存侥幸,不要抱着不真实际的幻想。中国人民解放军建军90年的历史证明了一点,那就是我们捍卫国度主权和领土完好的才干伎俩不时增强,决计意志坚决不移(The People's Liberation Army's 90 years of history is testimony to China's capabilities in protecting its sovereignty and its unshakable resolve)。撼山易,撼解放军难(It might be easier to shake the mountains than shake the PLA)。

悬挂式单轨列车 mounted monorail train Chinese rail car manufacturer CRRC Qingdao Sifang has unveiled a prototype of a mounted monorail train with a maximum operating speed of 70 kilometers per hour, the fastest of its kind in China.国内最高速的悬挂式单轨列车日前在青岛中车四方下线,最高运转时速为70公里。

悬挂式单轨列车(mounted monorail train),又被称为空轨或空中列车(sky train),是一种轻型、中速、中运量、低成本的新型公共交通方式(new mode of transportation featuring light weight, moderate speed, medium capacity and low manufacturing cost)。

这款悬挂式单轨车辆爬坡才干强(strong climbing ability),最大爬坡才干抵达100‰(列车前行1000米后高度上升100米),是普通地铁车辆爬坡才干三倍以上,可在地形坎坷峻峭的山区灵活运转,并保障具有较高保险性和温馨度,载客量(passenger capacity)可抵达300至510余人。

悬挂式单轨列车的轨道在车的正上方,行驶中既不受雨雪天气影响,也不会有脱轨风险,列车有多种主被动保险装置,如全车监控系统(whole-train monitoring system)、蓄电池救援(battery rescue)和联挂救援(coupling rescue)等。

另外,悬挂式单轨列车轨道曲线半径小,占用空中空间少,拆迁工程量可显著降低,节约成本投入,仅为地铁成本的三分之一。相关于空中有轨电车(tram),悬挂车避开了与空中车辆混行问题,具有保险、准点、载客才干强等优势(advantage of safety, punctuality and high passenger capacity)。

现代医院管理制度 modern hospital management system China should establish a "modern hospital management system" that adheres to putting people's health at the center and adheres to the nonprofit nature of public hospitals and putting the public's interest as a priority, the guideline said.《意见》指出,我国应树立一个以人民健康为中心、坚持公立医院的公益性、把社会效益放在首位的现代医院管理制度。

《意见》指出,现代医院管理制度(modern hospital management system)是中国特征基本医疗卫生制度(basic medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics)的重要组成部分。树立现代医院管理制度,要坚持以人民健康为中心,坚持公立医院的公益性,坚持政事分开(government functions separated from institution functions)、管办分开(supervision separated from day-to-day operations),坚持分类指导,鼓舞探求创新,把社会效益放在首位,实行一切权与运营权分别,完成医院管理体系和管理才干现代化(modernization of hospital management system and capability)。

《中共中央关于全面深化变革若干严重问题的决议》提出:加快公立医院变革。鼓舞社会办医,优先支持举行非营利性医疗机构。允许医师多点执业,允许民办医疗机构归入医保定点范围(Speed the reform of public hospitals. Encourage private investment in the medical sector and prioritize supporting nonprofit hospitals run by private investors. Allow doctors to have a license to work in more than one hospital. Allow medical insurance to cover private hospitals)。

今年的《政府工作讲演》中也对公立医院变革提出了细致请求:深化医疗、医保、医药联动变革。全面推开公立医院综合变革,全部取消药品加成,谐和推进医疗价钱、人事薪酬、药品流通、医保支付方式等变革(We will deepen the coordinated reform of medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry. We will introduce overall reform in public hospitals nationwide, abolish all markups on pharmaceuticals, and make coordinated progress in reforming health care pricing, staffing and remuneration, medicine distribution, and models of health insurance payment)。

富豪消费价钱指数 Luxury Consumer Price Index Luxury Consumer Price Index (LCPI) in China saw an accumulated rise of 81.7 percent over the past 10 years, more than doubling the growth rate of nationwide Consumer Price Index (CPI), according to a Hurun report released on Wednesday. 26日胡润研讨院发布的一份讲演显现,过去十年,我国富豪消费价钱指数累计上涨了81.7%,是消费者价钱指数(CPI)涨幅的两倍多。

富豪消费价钱指数(Luxury Consumer Price Index,LCPI)是度量富豪生活消费品价钱水平随着时间变动的相对数,综合反映富豪置办的生活消费品价钱水平的变动状况(change in the prices paid by luxury consumers for luxury goods and services)。2017富豪消费价钱指数涵盖富豪生活消费的房产(property)、健康(healthcare)、教育(education)、旅游(travel)等11 大类,116个与高质量生活方式相关的商品价钱,对比了它们在今年6月与去年6月的市场价钱。

从品类来看,豪宅(luxury property)价钱继去年上涨13%之后今年依然抵达各品类最高涨幅,达16.6%。休闲生活(leisure entertainment)继去年上升一个百分点之后,总体上涨6.1%。游艇和飞机(yachts and jets)继去年上升一个百分点之后,今年扩展涨幅,上涨4.4%。高档烟酒(high-end liquor and tobacco)价钱连续两年降落之后,今年上升2.6%。名校教育(top school education)的价钱持续十一年上涨,但今年涨幅不明显,只需1.2%。手表和珠宝(watch and jewelry)继去年整体上涨3.9%之后今年小幅上涨1.1%。高档汽车(luxury car)价钱连续两年降落之后,今年上升1%。朴素品配饰和护肤品(luxury accessories and cosmetic products)价钱继去年总体上升2.9%之后今年简直无变更,涨幅为0.2%。婚庆和健康品类(wedding and healthcare products)初次降落,降幅分别为3.6%和3.5%。奢华旅游(luxury travel)继去年上涨5%之后,今年小幅降落0.9%。

灰犀牛 grey rhino“灰犀牛”(grey rhino)这一概念是由美国学者、古根海姆学者奖得主米歇尔?渥克(Michele Wucker)于2013年1月在达沃斯全球论坛上提出的,在她所著的《灰犀牛:如何应对大约率危机(The Gray Rhino: How to Recognise and Act on the Obvious Dangers We Ignore)》一书中,她提出,“灰犀牛就是指概率极大、冲击力极强却被忽视的风险(a highly probable, high impact yet neglected threat):一个我们应该认识到的风险,就像是一头两吨重的犀牛,把牛角对准我们全速向我们攻击”。


Grey rhinos are not random surprises, but problems that break out after a series of warnings and visible evidence. When the grey rhino attacks, its power is explosive and unstoppable.灰犀牛不是随机的突发事情,而是一系列预警和明显征兆之后爆发出来的问题。灰犀牛攻击时,极具爆发力,且不可阻挠。


Kodak had ignored the unstoppable trend of digital photography and was too focused on its existing business. As a result, it missed the opportunity of being good at making what was about to come next.柯达忽视了数码摄影技术不可阻挠的潮流,而一心专注于现有业务。结果,他们错过了在新技术范畴脱颖而出的机遇。



中央财经指导小组办公室经济一局局长王志军对中国面临的“灰犀牛”风险做了解释: 对存在的“灰犀牛”风险隐患,如影子银行(shadow banking)、房地产泡沫(housing market bubble)、国有企业高杠杆(high leverage ratio of the State-owned enterprises)、中央债务(local debt)、违法违规集资(illegal fund-raising)等问题,要摸清状况,分辨轻重缓急和影响水平,突出重点,采取有效措施,妥善加以处置。(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)

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