世界杯首战上,东道主卡塔尔队败于厄瓜多尔队之际,一名表情动作夸大的卡塔尔观众格外吸睛,不少网友称他为卡塔尔“小王子”,以至盘绕他的表情包也走红网络。 他戴着牙套一脸不可思议怒甩头巾的样子,和本届不祥物“小饺子皮”(本届不祥物名叫La'eeb,在阿拉伯语中表示“super-skilled player”)简直一模一样。 Dubbed "Qatar prince" by Chinese netizens, an upset Qatar youngster at the opening match of the World Cup amused audiences in China, inspiring netizens to create interesting memes and icons. The teenager, in response, recorded a thank you video expressing his gratitude for Chinese people's love. 他还在自己的Instagram中发布了一幅手绘表情包,坐实了自己“馄饨皮”的形象。 这位新晋网红(@afjalthani1)特地录制了一段视频给中国的网友,回应表情包一事。他在视频中表示: "Hello, this is my message for all of my Chinese fans. I'm here just to say thank you for all of your beautiful comments and all of your beautiful videos. I've seen all of them. Thank you so much and you're more welcomed to Qatar. You can experience and watch this amazing event — the World Cup. Thank you. " “大家好,这是我想说给中国网友的话。我想在这里谢谢你们,谢谢你们有趣的评论和有趣的视频,这些我都看到了,谢谢你们,欢送你们来卡塔尔,和我一同感受这一场盛会,一同关注世界杯。” 假定你是李华,你的外国朋友卡塔尔小王子饺子皮发来邮件,想约请你来卡塔尔感受世界杯的魅力,你因一些缘由无法到访卡塔尔,为了表示歉意往常请你给他回封邮件,内容包含: 1. 无法进来的缘由,并希望对方体谅; 2. 约请他来中国体验不一样的中华文化。 留意: 1.词数120左右 2.能够恰当添加细节,以使行文衔接 Possible Version: Dear Prince Muhammad, Thank you so much for inviting me to watch the World Cup in Qatar. I am a big fan of the World Cup, which is the most popular single-sport event on the planet. But, unfortunately, I'm afraid I have to decline your kindness. This has been a difficult decision for me, but I have no choice I will be fully occupied with my lessons in the next few days, because I’m going to have an important examination and I must prepare every subject for it. I feel so sorry for missing the good chance to join you. I would like to invite you to China for vacation next year. I will teach you how to speak Chinese and show you some famous historical sites. Please send my greetings to your family. I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 让我们等候小王子的回信吧~哈哈哈 素材综合自中国日报双语新闻、维克多英语等公众号 E听说尊重版权 侵权联络删除 防走丢提示 将公众号设为星标,点击文末在看 多多留言互动,就不会把小E弄丢啦~ 近期引荐 一键拍照,智能修正,进步英语写作才干! 为什么中国神仙竖着飞,西方神仙横着飞? 关于新高考“等级赋分”,看这一篇就够了! 期中考试临近!这20个“加分”锦囊,不要错过! “today years old”是什么意义?千万别了解为废话文学! 点 “在看”,一同看 |