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动画英文 |《小猪佩奇》系列之第三季034-Miss Rabbits ...

2023-3-20 21:14| 发布者: 夏梦飞雨| 查看: 106| 评论: 0

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简介:关注回复关键字“启蒙”,约请你参与“少儿英语资源群”本系列给大家提供的是最美英文童话系列,言语简单,情节熟习,发音地道地道,因而听起来没有任何压力,不论是大朋友和小朋友都能够在用英语听故事,抵达学英语 ...







display[d'sple] vt. 展示;陈列

rescue['reskju] n. 救援;援救;挽救 vt. 救援;援救

vehicle[vikl] n. 车辆;工具

truck [trk] n. 卡车

fire engine['fa 'endn] 消防车

helicopter ['helkpt] n. 直升飞机

room[rum; rm] n. 房间;空间

stuck in堕入


Would you like to go for a ride.

Oh dear! There is noroomfor me!


Miss Rabbits Helicopter

Peppa and her family

havecome to the summer fete.

Look, I display rescue vehicles.

Grandad Dog is showing his pick-up truck

This is the sound my pick-up truck makes.

Mommy Sheep is showing the fire engine.

This is the sound fire engine makes.

And Miss Rabbit is

showingher rescue helicopter.

This is the sound my helicopter makes.

Helicopter, reversing helicopter, reversing.

Would you like to go for a ride.

Yes! Please.

Ok! Hop in!

Oh dear! There is no room for me!

Never mind, I’ll watch from the ground.

Daddy Pig doesn’t like heights.

Wheehee! We are going up in the air!

Yes! It can go straight up,

It can go staight down,

It can even loop the loop!

Poor Daddy! He is missing all the fun!

Yes, poor Daddy!

One ice-cream, please.

Mm… that’s nice.

Maybe we should land now.

emergency! emergency!

Calling rescue helicopter!

I’m on my way!

You’re in luck! We’ve got a job to do!

Mr.Bull is digging up the road.

Moo, hello, Miss Rabbits!

I’ve got a big metal pipe lifting!

OK, Mr.Bull!

How can you lift that big pipe?


What are you going to do with the pipe?

Um…I’m not really sure…I know!

I’ll put it down here

when someone can easily find it.

Now I can give you a lift home.

Oh what about Daddy?


Daddy Pig, can you

make your own way home?

Miss Rabbit is giving us a lift.


Daddy Daddy! We went

up and down,and round and round!

Oh oh, I’m really sad

to miss that,see you back at home!

Who put that pipe there?

I know, I’ll take a shortcut!

Mm…It’s a bit

muddy! Come on, car!

Daddy Pig needs to get home!

Daddy Pig is stuck.

I’ll ring for Granddad Dog’s pick-up truck.

Hello! Breakdown recovery

I’m stuck in a mud, can

you come and rescue me, please?

Sorry, Daddy Pig,

I’m moving a big metal pipe

that someone maniac’s left on the road!

I’ll pass you onto the next rescue service.

Hello, fire service!

I’m stuck in the mud!

Can you rescue me, please?

Sorry, Daddy Pig, I’m

rescuing a tortoise that stuck up a tree.

Come down, tortoise,

I don’t know why you like climbing trees.

You are a tortoise

Don’t worry Daddy Pig,

I’ll pass you onto the

highest rescue service in the land.

What’s that noise? Oooooh…I’m flying!

Miss Rabbit’s

helicopter has rescued Daddy Pig.

Hooray! Lookie

Daddy get a helicopter ride after all!

Shall we show him

what my helicopter can do?!


It can go straight up!

It can go straight down!

It can even loop the loop!


Everyone likes going up and down and

round and round in Miss Rabbit’s helicopter.



cousin['kz()n] n. 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

aeroplane['erplen] n. 飞机

buggy['bg] n. 童车

walk[wk] n. 步行,走;散步

noisy[nz] adj. .喧哗的;喧哗的

hungry['hgr] adj. 饥饿的

spoon [spun] n. 匙,勺子


Oh! Baby is cry all the time.

We can't go anywherewithoutall these baby things.

What do youwant to donow Alexander?


Baby Alexander

Peppa and George's

cousins are coming to visit today.

Mummy, how long

before Cousin Chloé is here?

Not long now Peppa,

Baby Alexander is coming too, remember?

Oh! Baby is cry ??

all the time. They are so noisy.

I'm sure Baby

Alexander won't be that noisy.

What's that sound?

Is it a car alarm?

Is it a fire-engine?

No, it's Baby Alexander.

Hello Peppa! Hello George!

Hello Cousin Chloé!

Hello everyone!

Hello Uncle Pig!


Hello Auntie Pig!

You remember

Baby Alexander, don't you Peppa?


Are you staying for a few days?

No, this is what

Alexander needs, for just one day.

We can't go anywhere

without all these baby things.


Hello Baby Alexander.

He can't talk, Peppa.

If he can't talk then

how do you know what he wants?

We guess.

I'm guessing he is hungry.

Peppa, would you

like to help feed Alexander?

Yes, please.

It is lunch time for Baby Alexander.

Cousin Peppa is going

to feed you today, Alexander.

Here you are baby.

Oh, here it is.

Oh, he keeps turning his head.

Feeding Baby Alexander is quite hard.

Watch this.

Here comes the aeroplane. Woo!

Alexander likes it if you

return the spoon as an aeroplane.

You have a go, Peppa.

Here comes the aero plane. Errrrrrrrrr.

Open your mouth

and in free the doors. Shh.


That was an aeroplane.

Can you say "aeroplane"?

I told you he can't talk!

He hasn't even said his first word yet.

Peppa, do you

remember what your first word was?


It was "Mummy".

I thought Peppa's first word was "Daddy".

No, "Mummy".

What was George's first word?


George's first word was "dinosaur".

Somebody looks

like that he had a good lunch.

Yes, bath time I think.

Baby Alexander is having a bath.

This is Mr. Dinosaur.

Can you say "dinosaur"?


He can't talk, Peppa.

But he will talk one day.

Then you'll know what he wants.

What do you want to do now Alexander?


I think he wants to go for a walk.

He can't walk yet

but he can go out in his buggy.

That's a clever little buggy.

Yes, Five gears,

mud guards, at ADS standard.

Blah, blah, blah. That's how Daddies talk.

Alexander likes it when you talk, Peppa.

That's because I am very interesting.

This is the sky. Can you say "sky"?


The sky is where rain

comes from. Can you say "rain"?

Rain is good for ducks

and plants and making muddy puddles!

Peppa has found a big muddy puddle.

Look Alexander!

I'm jumping up and down in a puddle.

I love jumping up and down in puddles.



Alexander has said his first word! Puddles!

Hurray! Puddles!

And I taught him to say it!






