Asia Contemporary Art Show 亚洲当代艺术展是亚洲历史长久的酒店艺术展览会,第十四届亚洲当代艺术展将于2019年3月29日至4月1日在香港港丽酒店举行。展览将在3月29日下午以贵宾优先预览及贵宾预览揭开序幕,3月30日始开放予公众人士入场。 吴英花 OH, YOUNG HWA 吴英花 2013 中央美术学院油画系研讨生 2008 毕业于韩国朝鲜大学美术院油画系获学士学位 2006 在俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立美术大学美术系进修 OH, YOUNG HWA 2013 China Central Academy of Fine Art with a master’s course of Arts 2008 Graduate from Chosun University with a bachelor’s degree of Arts 2006 Studied at the Department of Fine Arts, Saint-Petersburg sate University, Russia Let's go to lunch 布面油画 Oil on canvas 115x80cm 2018 我在画,介于人与自然之间的猫。 猫既是我的伴侣也是作品素材。从2009年来北京就开端了与猫的同居生活。两只猫每天与我一同吃饭、一同游玩、一同画画、一同入睡。我养的两只猫不是主人和宠物的关系,它们既是我的朋友也是家人。 I draw the cat the boundary between humanity and nature. The cat is my pet and the theme of my artwork. Life with two cats began in Beijing in 2009. Every day I ate, played, drew, and slept with these two creatures. My relationship with my cats go beyond that of pet and owner-they are my best friends and my family members. Seeking for a glimpse of happiness 布面油画 Oil on canvas 120x80cm 2018 与它们俩开端同居以后,它们便很自然地成了我作品的素材。之后我的关注从我们家的猫扩展到了流浪在外的野猫身上。我开端给工作室周边的野猫食物和水。从一开端的一只猫扩展到往常的五只。 As I began my life with them, my cats naturally became the topic my work, and my interests expanded to cats outside my house and in the streets. I started giving these street cats food and water and the number of cats that came in creased from one to five, gradually. Look at me 布面油画 Oil on canvas 100x80cm 2018 我对每天在路上生死未卜的猫觉得到怜惜之心和怜惜。成为徘徊与人类的周边却不能一同的存在,又不能回归自然的野猫们,每天面对繁杂的闹市中为了幸存下来而拼命的小家伙们。我关注那些猫,它们正映射着我们当今的现状。 The fact that street cats must risk their lives and survive each day one the busy streets, as animals the are always near people but can neither be with them nor completely integrate in to nature, makes me sympathize with them. I watch these cats, near and far, and have come to realize that they reflect contemporary society. A sweet break after lunch 布面油画 Oil on canvas 115x77cm 2018 人类与自然共存的可能性、到目前为止我们看待自然的认识与态度、以后我们要生活的与未来的关系……我以为,我们如何认识和看待站在闹市和自然界线上的野猫们,我们的未来也会有所不同。由于往常我们生活的这个世界并不只属于我们。 The possibility of the coexistence of people and nature, our perception of our role within nature, our relationship with our future… I believe that how we perceive these cats, that stand at the boundary between the human and natural worlds, will decide our future. After all, our world is not simply our own. The movement of the brothers 布面油画 Oil on canvas 120x80cm 2018 We have no one-way traffic 布面油画 Oil on canvas 110x70cm 2018 展览 EXHIBITIONG: 个展: 2012 “艺术首尔”艺术殿堂,韩国首尔 2018 “显现世界中的艺术反响”吴英花&魏阳阳双个人展,798作者画廊,中国北京 群展: 2018 光州市立美术馆北京创作中心第10期驻管艺术家作品展,798圣之空间,中国深圳 2018 艺术深圳,深圳会展中心,中国深圳 2018 世界环境日主题展“诉说我们的未来”,毅斋美术馆,韩国光州 2018 艺术北京ART BEIJING,农业展览馆,中国北京 2018 Hi新锐艺术市集,农业展览馆,中国北京 2017 融·共生,不同艺见艺术中心,中国北京 2017 再写,作者,798作者画廊,中国北京 2017 ‘interesting’, 798艺典中国,中国北京 2017 往来 8000℃,C+Space,中国北京 2016 Link Gallery-cn, 798 Link Gallery,中国北京 2016 798艺葩EPARTY, 798艺术工厂空间,中国北京 2016 798艺葩EPARTY, 798艺术工厂空间,中国北京 2015 Art Actually2015忘年会,11画廊,中国北京 2015 798艺葩EPARTY, 798艺术工厂空间,中国北京 2015 1+1=?11对青年艺术家的故事,大韵堂美术馆,中国北京 2015 艺术广东,广州 琶洲保利世贸博览馆三号馆,中国广东 2015 艺术南京,南京新装国际展览中心,中国南京 2015 GOART 艺起买的艺术节,北京环球金融中心,中国北京 2015 AHAF HK,马哥孛罗香港酒店,中国香港 2015 Doalogue,99美术馆,中国北京 2015 ‘ALWAYS LIVING IN STYLE’, BETWEEN ART LAB,中国上海 2014 冬天联展,表画廊,中国北京 2014 CIGE,北京国度会议中心,中国北京 2012 中央美术学院,中韩研讨生交流展,中央美术学院美术馆,中国北京 2012 AAC,798空间,中国北京 2011 中国当代艺术年鉴,上上国际美术馆,中国北京 2010 中.韩交流展,‘春’,洋红画廊,中国北京 2008 ‘Young artist exhibition’,Coex Aqua画廊, 韩国首尔 2008 ‘Remember’, Coex Aqua画廊,韩国首尔 2008 ‘New Attention’ ,大动画廊,韩国光州 SOLO EXHIBITION: 2012 ‘Art Seoul’, Seoul, Korea 2018 Two person exhibition ‘Showing the art world reaction’–OH YOUNGHWA & WEI YANGYANG,798 Author Gallery ,Beijing, China GROUP EXHIBITION: 2018 The Gwangju Museum of Art Beijing Residency 10th Artists Exhibition, 798 Shengzhi Space, Beijing, China 2018 The Gwangju Museum of Art Beijing Residency 10th Artists Exhibition, 798 Shengzhi Space, Beijing, China 2018 Art Shenzhen, Hall 6 Shenzhen convention &exhibition center, Shenzhen, China 2018 World Environment Day theme show, ‘ Talking About Our Future’, Uijae Museum, Gwangju, Korea 2018 HI ART ‘Cutting-edge art market, Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China 2018 ART BEIJING, Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China 2017 Live·Create,Another Art Center, Beijing, China 2017 Rewriting,Author,798 Author Gallery,Beijing, China 2017 ‘interesting’, 798 Art Dictionary China,Beijing, China 2017 Exchange 8000℃,C+ Space ,Beijing, China 2016 ‘E-party’, 798 Art Factory, Beijing, China 2016 Link Gallery-cn,798 Link Gallery,Beijing, China 2016 ‘E-party’, 798 Art Factory, Beijing, China 2015 ART GUANGDONG( Canton International Art and Collection Fair), Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center Expo, Guangzhou, China 2015 ART NANJING (Affordable artworks and affordable art fair, New international Exhibition Center, Nanjing, China 2015 ‘1+1=?: SHE&HE stories of eleven artist couples’ , The Rhythm Art Organization. 2015 GOART, Beijing World Financial Center, Beijing, China 2015 AHAF HK, Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel, Hong Kong, China 2015 ‘ALWAYS LIVING IN STYLE’, BETWEEN ART LAB, Shanghai, China 2015 ‘DIALOGUE’, 99Art Museum, Beijing, China 2014 CIGE, China National Convention Center, Beijing, China 2013 China Central Academy of Fine Art graduate exhibition, CAFA Museum, Beijing, China 2012 China Central Academy of Fine Art, ‘China and Korea master course students Exchange Exhibition’, , CAFA Museum ,Beijing, China 2012 AAC, 798 space, Beijing, China 2011 China contemporary art yearly, Shang shang International Museum, Beijing, China 2010 China and Korea Exchange Exhibition‘Spring’, Gallery Red Art, Beijing, China 2008 ‘Remember Art Group Exhibition’, Coex Aqua gallery, Seoul, Korea 2008 ‘Secret story', Gallery Young Art, Seoul, Korea 2008 ‘New Attention', Deadong gallery, Gwangju, Korea 贵宾优先预展(仅限约请): 贵宾预展(仅限约请): SHOW TIMES UNIONPAY PRIVATE VIEW (by Invitation only) UNIONPAY VIP COLLECTORS PREVIEW (by Invitation only) GENERAL ADMISSION VENUE ADDRESS M: +86 10 15811385397 +86 10 13671202486 1 2 T:+86 10 69458300 M: +86 10 15811385397 |