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2023-3-23 17:56| 发布者: 夏梦飞雨| 查看: 96| 评论: 0

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简介:4月3日,“中车制造”波士顿全新橙线地铁在美国波士顿市府广场(Boston City Hall Plaza)面向公众展出后,迎来了各界人士交口称誉。按美国华文媒体侨报的说法,就是八个字——“洋人称誉,华人自豪”。看到中车造的地 ...

4月3日,“中车制造”波士顿全新橙线地铁在美国波士顿市府广场(Boston City Hall Plaza)面向公众展出后,迎来了各界人士交口称誉。按美国华文媒体侨报的说法,就是八个字——“洋人称誉,华人自豪”。



Compare new MBTA Orange Line cars being built in Springfield to those running on the tracks since the 1980s


The new Orange Line trains are coming soon. (Well, relatively speaking.) Here are the improvements that you can expect when comparing them to the creaking and leaking ones on the tracks right now.


Riding ancient train cars is getting old

For commuters who ride the MBTA's Orange Line, a trip to and from Boston can be crowded and uncomfortable.

New Orange Line cars are on the way to Boston from China, by way of Springfield

But new cars are on the way in the next couple of years. A Chinese-owned company, CRRC, is building the frame in China and shipping the cars to Springfield, Mass. (Photo by Don Treeger, Springfield Republican)


The plant in Springfield, Mass.

Workers at the facility will assemble the rest of the train cars, which will then head to Boston. (Photo by Don Treeger/Springfield Republican)


Public transit nerds, feast your eyes on this

The new train cars will come with a lot of improvements.

The model train

MBTA officials allowed MassLive.com a look inside a model that CRRC sent over for inspections and revisions before they start producing more train cars.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

The old train cars

The current Orange Line train cars have been on the rails since the 1980s, and you can tell.

No, seriously, they're really old

The inside looks like it was modeled after a 1970s rec room.

Could be worse, though

This is a really, really old MBTA train car in 1942, at Dover Street Station, which no longer exists. (Courtesy of the city of Boston photo archives.)

More room

The growth of the Boston-area population means greater stress on the public transit system. The new cars will offer more room, and new technology will allow the MBTA to run more trains during rush hour, making for a more comfortable commute for passengers.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

New seats

Some of the seats in the new car slowly snap back into place.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

New cameras

MBTA officials are also adding cameras to the train cars. The cameras will provide the transit agency's headquarters with a livestream of what's happening inside the train car. Currently, they can only see what happens on the platform.

Watch your stuff

Right now, you have to be careful if you're sitting next to the door. If you're not paying attention, somebody can snatch your purse, phone or backpack.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Glass guard

So the transit agency is having glass guards installed, so somebody can't reach through and take your stuff if you're sitting next to the door.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Wider doors

Riders get an additional 16 inches of door space in the new train cars, allowing them to get on and off in a faster manner. Here's a picture of the old doors.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

More accessible doors

The wider doors also mean the trains are more accessible for people with disabilities.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Digital signs inside

The new train cars will also have digital displays inside, noting the current station and where you're headed.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

The driver's seat

The mock-up of the Orange Line car gives MBTA employees the chance to look over the arrangement and make suggestions for potential changes, since they'll be the ones sitting in the driver's seat when these things hit the tracks.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Be prepared to wait

The new trains will take a while to arrive. It'll happen in the next two to three years. The trains have to go through a rigorous federal testing process first.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Part of a bigger investment

The MBTA signed a $566 million contract with CRRC MA in Springfield for the new cars. The contract includes 152 new Orange Line cars and 252 new Red Line cars.


The Red Line cars will look similar

The MBTA wants interchangeable parts so the train cars will be easier to fix. CRRC MA is also making Red Line train cars.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Maintenance facility gets an upgrade, too

The Wellington train yard, where MBTA employees fix up the old Orange Line trains, will also be getting an upgrade as the new cars roll in. They plan to expand the facility and the yard, knocking down a wall for more space.

Gintautas Dumcius | gdumcius@masslive.com

Check it out for yourself

The MBTA is displaying the model on Boston City Hall Plaza, starting at 10 a.m. on Monday, April 3. The model will be there through April 5.

If you can't make it, take a video tour

If you can't make it to Boston City Hall Plaza, check out the video tour that the MBTA provided to MassLive.com.




