Hello,小树枝们,又见面啦!今天我们一起来看一篇 经济的文章《Silicon Wall Street 》。 由于科技行业衰退看不到止境,该行业的巨头们正在寻觅新的市场,金融业便是其中之一。 1.文章脉络 【para1】 引出主题:科技公司为求新增长,将眼光瞄准金融业 【para2】网络巨头纷繁与大型买卖所达成协作 【para3】 相似协作也存在于银行和保险公司之间 【para4】数字支付是重要市场 【para5】信贷效劳也在亚马逊和苹果试行 【para6】科技公司或将成为金融公司的竞争对手 【para7】监管机构密切关注科技公司在金融业的延展 2.外刊原文 Big tech pushes everfurther into big finance 【Para.3】It is not just exchanges. Almost all banks and insurers now use big tech’s cloud services, including increasingly sophisticated and tailor-made analytics, often powered by artificial intelligence. In October the Options Clearing Corporation became the first clearing house to get permission from American regulators to move its core operations on to the cloud. 【Para.4】Another big market is digital payments. These make purchases smoother for customers, while allowing tech firms to collect data to improve the overall user experience on their platforms, explains Alina Lantsberg of Oliver Wyman, a consultancy. Three in four iPhone users have now activated Apple Pay on their devices, compared with a third in 2018, according to Bernstein, a broker. Apple, Google and Meta also offer peer-to-peer transfers. 【Para.6】Two factors could limit big tech’s financial ambitions. One is that financial firms are valued cloud customers, which could be lost if big tech starts to feel like competition. That was said to be the reason why Google binned its attempt to offer online checking and savings accounts in 2021. Amazon and Microsoft have their own cloud relationships to nurture. 【Para.7】Then there are the regulators, many of whom already hold a dim view of big tech and are watching its advances into finance closely. The Bank of England has said it wants to stress-test cloud providers because so many banks use their services. In America the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has ordered the tech giants to share information on their payment systems. The further tech moves into finance, the more it may have to be treated like a bank. There is only so much disruption that financial regulators will brook. 3.单词解析
【来源声明】:本文原文摘选自 DECEMBER 17TH–23RD 2022|Business,原文版权归杂志一切,仅供个人学习交流运用。 看更多单词注释,全文翻译以及长难句解析,扫码下方报名锻炼营获取!关注经济学人考研英语,备考英语不迷路~ 内容:全文翻译、单词注释、翻译锻炼、长难句解析、文章脉络 效劳:专属VIP群、答疑效劳、电子打印版资料、每天一篇精读 最新福利:提供杂志排版的PDF文档 点击链接查看精读锻炼营更多详情内容: 外刊精读锻炼营 ; 扫码加助教微信报名、咨询和查看例文 精读特惠报名方式 进入店铺选择恣意的拼团报名时长(有合适23考试的同窗;有季度班、半年班和一年班等) 注:在线课程报名之后不接受退款,报名之前有疑问请先加助教微信(boyuh123)查看例文免费试学和锻炼营引见,思索分明再报名~ 树懒外刊精读; 最新双语外刊等你来读哦~】 点“在看”给我一朵小黄花 |