#希腊# 突发最致命的 #火车# 事故,伤亡人数还在不断上升。 Death toll keeps rising in Greece’s deadliest train crash 两列火车在希腊北部相撞,造成至少 43 人伤亡,车厢已被压成扭曲的钢结构。 Two trains collided in northern Greece, killing at least 43 people and crumpling carriages into twisted steel knots in the country’s deadliest rail crash. 从雅典开往塞萨洛尼基的火车上载有 350 名乘客,其中许多是刚刚参加狂欢节回来的学生。 虽然轨道是双轨的,但不知何故,两列火车在坦佩谷附近的同一条线上以相反的方向行驶,坦佩谷是雅典以北约 380 公里的一个河谷。 The train from Athens to Thessaloniki was carrying 350 passengers, many of them students returning from raucous Carnival celebrations . While the track is double, both trains were traveling in opposite directions on the same line near the Vale of Tempe, a river valley about 380 kilometers (235 miles) north of Athens. 目前站长已经被捕; 部长也已辞职。 STATIONMASTER ARRESTED; MINISTER RESIGNS 一夜之间,希腊从狂欢节变成哀悼。 GREECE GOES FROM CARNIVAL TO MOURNING 救援很艰难,仍在进行中...... |