关注DFE,关注中国免税 投稿、广告、业务合作:dfe@idutyfree.cn DFE | 免税资讯 世界领先的奢侈品旅游零售商DFS集团再度与首屈一指的高级综合娱乐休闲度假胜地澳门新濠天地合作,于DFS旗下澳门T广场新濠天地店打造【传世佳酿】品鉴会系列盛典。 2023年的主题为“品鉴新境界”,将为消费者呈献超过100款来自全球各地备受赞誉的珍贵佳酿,包括出自50家世界知名品牌的葡萄酒、香槟、威士忌、干邑及其他美酒。 随着全面通关及国际旅游的恢复,DFS再度于世界各地举办一系列【传世佳酿】品鉴会,三月将在澳门举办今年首个【传世佳酿】品鉴会,展示来自50家世界知名品牌的珍贵佳酿,承诺以珍稀酒窖和酿酒厂新品、独一无二的酒瓶和专为DFS打造的特别系列,带来独特惊喜。 DFS诚邀各界,透过【传世佳酿】品鉴会系列盛典,将品鉴美酒视成弥足珍贵的体验。鼓励客人透过欣赏崇高创作的工艺、触摸瓶身设计、细闻独特香气、品尝丹宁的复杂味道、甚至欣赏背后的精神,以提升感官体验。 由DFS专业的传世佳酿团队精挑细选的一系列专属产品,展现了DFS对传统、历史、工艺和创新的重视。这些杰作彰显精湛技艺和卓越品质,旨在让客人品鉴新境界,体验历经时空的传奇,沉醉非凡体验。 DFS集团采购部总裁Christophe Marque表示:“我们很高兴再次回到充满活力的澳门,第11届【传世佳酿】品鉴会系列盛典正是探索新品牌和品鉴陈年佳酿的绝佳场合。参观者可以品鉴世上最好的葡萄酒和烈酒。今年,我们更首次在品鉴会系列加入冧酒及龙舌兰酒。三月在澳门举行的期间限定店,正为客人和品鉴家提供一个接触珍稀杰作的珍贵机会。” 今年3月,公众可于DFS旗下澳门T广场新濠天地广场的期间限定店,独家一睹【传世佳酿】精选产品系列。与DFS一起探索世界上最受尊敬的酿酒师、著名酒庄及其佳酿背后的故事、历史和传承。 关于DFS集团 DFS集团是世界知名的奢侈品旅游零售商。1960年,DFS集团成立于中国香港,如今依旧是全球领先的奢侈品旅游零售商,为顾客甄选来自超过750个世界著名品牌的精品。由56家免税商店组成的零售网络包括位于全球四大洲14个主要机场、24家市中心T广场店,以及附属零售和位于度假胜地等商店。 作为一家私营公司,DFS集团由全球最大的奢侈品集团公司酩悦轩尼诗-路易威登集团(LVMH)和DFS创始人及股东Robert Miller共同拥有。DFS集团员工总数超过5,000人,专注为顾客创造非同凡响的全渠道购物体验。DFS总部设于中国香港,在澳大利亚、柬埔寨、中国大陆、法国、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、中国澳门、新西兰、新加坡、阿联酋、美国及越南均设有办公室。 关于DFS旗下T广场 DFS旗下T广场是DFS最先实践旅游零售概念的革新性延展。1968年,第一家市中心店铺登陆香港,其后,另一家店铺亦于夏威夷设立。如今,DFS已于全球拥有24家市中心店铺。除美国外,其余店铺遍布亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲和南太平洋地区。T代表着「旅行、旅客」的概念,品牌将更完善地迎合顾客的期待,成为全球奢侈品牌汇聚地,呈献独特的购物环境、个性化的服务与贴心的购物体验,令旅客可于旅程中随时随地展现个人风格。 关于新濠天地 新濠天地是一所澳门高级的综合娱乐休闲度假胜地。位于澳门路凼城,该旗舰项目设有精彩刺激的娱乐设施、舒适而多样化的住宿选择,具有澳门本地和国际特色的餐饮设施及集合了著名品牌的购物商场。 新濠天地吸引了多个蜚声国际的著名品牌进驻,包括摩珀斯丶颐居、迎尚丶澳门君悦酒店和Dragone,志在打造独一无二的娱乐体验,迎接亚洲乃至全球八方宾客的到访。新濠天地设有超过 30 间餐厅及酒吧及一系列世界名店品牌。全球最大型之水上汇演「水舞间」于度身订造的水舞间剧院隆重呈献,为新濠天地最触目的娱乐巨献。 以下为部分将于2023澳门【传世佳酿】活动中展出的精选产品: *轩尼诗百乐廷X宝默NBA限量版-珍稀产品系列 为了庆贺NBA 75周年纪念,轩尼诗酒庄推出限量版百乐廷干邑,并采用最具创意,工艺复杂的水晶酒瓶为容器:形状如同篮球,纯手工打造吹制而成的巴拉克水晶酒瓶;它的设计师是著名的旺多姆广场珠宝商劳伦兹·鲍默 (Lorenz Bumer)。 *ALFRED GIRAUD法国麦芽威士忌-INTRIGUE by Alfred GIRAUD 全球限量2桶 / 809瓶 由Alfred GIRAUD威士忌酿造大师Gatan Mariolle签名 INTRIGUE为Alfred GIRAUD首款限量杰作,是一款饱满醇香、浓郁繁复的三重麦芽威士忌。这款非凡威士忌仅酿有两桶。三种单一麦芽威士忌于苏维翁桶、珍贵干邑桶及一种特殊酒桶中熟成。这种特殊酒桶酿制孕育的芳香与风味令人倾心,品牌威士忌制酒师盖尔坦·马里奥勒 (Gaetan Mariolle) 希望保密来源。 *轻井泽Legend of Asama收藏家套装 限量生产30套 The Ultimate Karuizawa收藏家套装,附有单独编号(1/30),酒瓶瓶身采用Glencairn水晶制作,装饰精美的瓶盖上镶有五个手工雕刻的圣木套管,内含2个手工吹制的醒酒器、2 个专属威士忌酒杯及配套酒壶,以及2瓶独家1981年“能”系列威士忌,底座中更有威士忌传奇人物查理·麦克莱恩(Charlie Mclean)的纪念册。 *DICTADOR 奥林斯基5个十年版藏酒 Dictador x Orlinski 5 Decades - 手绘版 Dictador创造了一个真正的艺术品酒瓶,在市场上掀起波澜。该系列由酿酒厂大师Hernan Parra负责调配,采用1966、1976、1986、1996和2006年酒桶中的朗姆酒,代表了Richard Orlinski五十年的生活和工作 。Parra亲自从其家族的哥伦比亚私人库存中挑选最佳橡木桶,专门用以酿造此非凡佳酿。每一个酒瓶的色彩随艺术家当时的创作而异。 *THE DALMORE 大摩 大摩星座系列1969桶号1 Elie Bleu限量版 DFS独家发售 - 全球仅限1套 大摩携手世界著名的手工艺制造品牌Elie Bleu,以大摩「星宿」系列单一麦芽威士忌为灵感,量身定制了8个极具收藏价值的雪茄盒。 180年来,大摩在酿酒方面一直精益求精,不断创造威士忌杰作。作为一家富有远见的酿酒商,大摩的进取精神和对极致工艺的追求从未停止。 大摩星座系列1969桶号1 最初是在珍贵的美国白橡木 "Quercus Alba "中熟成了40年,深埋于木桶的每一处孔隙当中,酒液不断地从雄伟的木桶中汲取颜色和美感。在长达40年的漫长时间里,酒桶呈现出柔和的香草和蜂蜜的香气。之后酒液被重新装入小批次生产的波本桶中,继续陈酿3年。最后一次桶陈铸就了这款威士忌完美的收尾。 此次与Elie Bleu一同见证这款独一无二的定制产品诞生,是巅峰工艺锻造的前所未有的艺术藏品。 *THE MACALLAN-麦卡伦M系列 珍稀产品系列 麦卡伦日前推出全新系列《M Collection》,一款单一麦芽威士忌限量酒款,意在彰显广受赞誉的麦卡伦「The Six Pillars 六大标柱」。麦卡伦「六大标柱」包括:浑然天成的自然酒色、传承百年的酿酒智慧、精致小巧的蒸馏器、麦卡伦庄园、最高质量的橡木桶和雪莉酒润桶工艺,是成就麦卡伦卓越非凡的威士忌基石。麦卡伦M系列酒款的天然酒色,完美诠释了这些独树一格的特质并反映出牵动消费者的品牌情感。前三款酒品是之前释出的 M、M Black以及全新M Copper三款的2022年版,而这次全新的M Copper旨在向麦卡伦自1824年创立以来所使用的独特铜制蒸馏器致敬。 *汤玛丁单一麦芽威士忌-Tomatin Warehouse 6 - 1976 单一麦芽威士忌 限量生产350瓶 这款精致的烈酒被安好存放于6号仓库中,在手工挑选的传统橡木桶中慢慢熟成,并于1976年正式装瓶,呈现出微妙的果香风味。酒桶保管人在长达四年半的时间里悉心等待,见证了这种独特而极其复杂的表达方式,同时也呈现出巨大的青春活力气息,实现了非凡的平衡。 *CHAMPAGNE ARMAND DE BRIGNAC-Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs 限量生产3,535瓶 Champagne Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs Assemblage Three(A3)严选优质水果精制而成,包括来自Montagne de Reims品质最佳的黑皮诺产地,如Bouzy、Verzenay、Ludes和Rilly LaMontagne。2009、2010、2012三大年份的葡萄酒,成品在地窖中存放了6年,直到2019年4月9日将3,535瓶酒依次取出。每瓶Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs A3都刻有其独特编号(1至3,535),在其除渣日期以外展示了这款超级尊贵特酿的稀有性、独特性和收藏价值。 *奔富-Bin 60A Coonawarra Cabernet Barossa Shiraz 1962 Bin60A是一款融合了酿酒学、物理学和哲学成就的跨产区葡萄酒,代表了新兴的奔富酒庄风格,突出了赤霞珠和设拉子的混合所带来的非凡的香气和风味。 *侯伯王酒庄-Chteau Haut Brion 2011, 2015 & 2016 珍稀产品系列 1533年,Jean de Pontac买下了侯伯王的领地,一个葡萄酒庄园便由此诞生,这个庄园中杰出的传承得以在之后的几个世纪中由四个家族保存并发扬光大。1749年,侯伯王庄园的继承人Joseph de Fumel沿袭了由他的前任开创的事业。一位美国金融家、法国克兰斯帝龙酒庄的拥趸者之后于1935年买下了这座酒庄。Robert Parker评分: 94 (2011)、100(2015)、97-99(2016);James Sucking评分: 96(2011)、97-98(2015)、100(2016)。 【传世佳酿】酒品类场景照 以下为英文报道,欢迎文末留言讨论。 DFE编辑部 更多免税行业资讯,请关注DFE公众号 投稿、广告、合作请联系:dfe@idutyfree.cn 11th dfs MASTERS OF WINES AND SPIRITS EXHIBITION returns to CITY OF DREAMS MACAU for second consecutive year DFS Group (DFS), the world’s leading luxury travel retailer, in partnership with City of Dreams Macau, the leading premier integrated entertainment resort, will present its 11th annual Masters of Wines and Spirits (MOWS) exhibition at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams. The 2023 edition follows the theme “Elevate Your Senses” and will take collectors, connoisseurs and the avid consumer on a multi-sensory journey visiting over 100 rare and exclusive wines, champagnes, whiskies, cognacs and more from across the globe. With borders fully open and international travel resumed, DFS Masters of Wines and Spirits intends to reintroduce its world-class wines and spirits event through a series of exhibitions throughout the world; beginning with Macau this March. Showcasing masterpieces from more than 50 legendary wine and spirit houses, Masters of Wines and Spirits promises to delight and intrigue with rare cellar and distillery releases, one-of-a-kind bottles and special collections created only for DFS. New for 2023, Masters of Wines and Spirits will also shine a spotlight on rum and tequila as both spirits gain global popularity. Through Masters of Wines and Spirits, DFS invites visitors to appreciate wines and spirits as a holistic experience; guests are encouraged to elevate their senses and admire the craftmanship of each sublime creation throughout the imbibing experience, from the glass one touches and the smell of distinct aromas, to the taste of tannic complexity and seeing the spirit for all its glory. Hand-selected by DFS’ passionate team of wines and spirit experts, this outstanding portfolio is a testimony to DFS’ appreciation for traditions, history, craftsmanship and innovation. An expression of mastery and excellence, these masterpieces are set to “Elevate Your Senses” and provide the opportunity to discover and indulge in the exceptional and unexpected. Christophe Marque, President Merchandising at DFS says: “We are very excited to be returning to the vibrant city of Macau for the second time. The 11th edition of Masters of Wines and Spirits presents an excellent way to explore new brands as well as savor old favorites. Visitors will be able to access the very best of what the world of wines and spirits can offer and this year, for the first time, we have introduced rum and tequila to the portfolio. By hosting a pop-up throughout March in Macau we are giving consumers and connoisseurs every opportunity to access these rare masterpieces.” This edition marks the second year that the public can view these extraordinary creations and experience the celebrated Masters of Wines and Spirits during a pop-up that takes place at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of Dreams exclusively throughout the month of March. Join DFS in celebrating the world’s most revered winemakers and distillers and be inspired by the stories, history and heritage behind the prestigious maisons and their masterpieces. ABOUT DFS GROUP DFS Group is the world’s leading luxury travel retailer. Established in Hong Kong in 1960, DFS Group continues to be a pioneer in global luxury travel retail, offering its customers a carefully curated selection of exceptional products from over 750 of the most desired brands. Its network consists of 56 duty free stores located in 14 major global airports and 24 downtown Galleria locations on four continents, as well as affiliate and resort locations. The Group is privately held and majority owned by the world’s largest luxury conglomerate, Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), alongside DFS co-founder and shareholder Robert Miller. DFS Group employs more than 5,000 people focused on creating inspiring omnichannel retail experiences for its customers and is headquartered in Hong Kong with offices in Australia, Cambodia, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Macau, New Zealand, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United States of America and Vietnam. ABOUT T GALLERIA BY DFS T Galleria by DFS is the ultimate evolution of the original travel retail concept pioneered by DFS Group. The first downtown store opened in 1968 in Hong Kong, followed shortly thereafter by Honolulu and eventually expanding to 24 locations all over the world. Today, T Galleria by DFS has a presence in the United States of America, as well as across Asia, Europe, Oceania and the South Pacific regions. Linked to the notion of travel through the use of T for the Traveler, the brand stands for what customers have come to expect: an expertly curated assortment of the world’s preferred luxury brands, exceptional retail environments, highly personalized services and unique experiences tailored to their specific needs as travelers. T Galleria by DFS enables travelers to realize their individual style, one journey at a time. ABOUT CITY OF DREAMS City of Dreams is an integrated entertainment resort that has established itself as a premier leisure and entertainment destination in Macau. Located in the heart of Cotai in Macau, it combines electrifying entertainment, a diverse array of accommodation, regional and international dining as well as designer brand shopping. The resort brings together a collection of world-renowned brands including Morpheus, NWA, The Countdown, Grand Hyatt and Dragone to create an exceptional entertainment experience that aims to appeal to a broad spectrum of visitors from around Asia and the world. City of Dreams features over 30 restaurants and bars; an impressive array of some of the world’s most sought-after retail brands; “The House of Dancing Water”, the world’s largest water-based extravaganza showcased in the purpose-built Dancing Water Theater, represents the live entertainment centerpiece of City of Dreams’ overall leisure and entertainment offering. A comprehensive range of accommodation options at City of Dreams include NWA offering approximately 290 guest rooms, The Countdown offering approximately 300 guest rooms and Grand Hyatt Macau offering approximately 800 guest rooms. In addition, Morpheus, the newest addition at City of Dreams designed by the late legendary architect Dame Zaha Hadid, commenced operation in 2018, offering approximately 770 guestrooms, suites, and villas. The following curated masterpieces are just a few of the select items that will be showcased at DFS Masters of Wines and Spirits 2023 in Macau. HIGHLIGHTED PRODUCTS: *HENNESSY-Hennessy Paradis x Baumer NBA Rare Distillery Release To celebrate the NBA on its 75th anniversary, Maison Hennessy’s Editions Rares collection presents Paradis in one of the most original and technically challenging carafes ever made: a basketball-shaped decanter in pure mouth-blown, hand-faceted Baccarat crystal, designed by the renowned Place Vendme jeweler Lorenz Bumer. *ALFRED GIRAUD FRENCH MALT WHISKY INTRIGUE by Alfred GIRAUD Only 2 Casks/809 Bottles In The World Signed by Gatan Mariolle, Alfred GIRAUD Whisky Maker INTRIGUE, Alfred GIRAUD's first limited edition, is a rich, complex and full-flavored triple malt. Only two casks of this extraordinary whisky were produced. Three single malts were aged in a mix of Sauvignon casks, rare Cognac casks, and one extraordinary cask with aromas and flavors so compelling that our Whisky Maker Gaetan Mariolle vows to keep its origin a secret. *KARUIZAWA Karuizawa Legend of Asama Collector Set Only 30 Sets In The World The Ultimate Karuizawa collector's set, individually numbered (1/30) and crafted with Glencairn crystal. A decorated cover houses five hand carved luna wood tubes containing 2 hand-blown decanters, 2 exclusive whisky glasses & matching jug, and 2 bottles of exclusive 1981 Noh series whisky, mounted on a plinth with a commemorative book by whisky legend Charlie Mclean. *DICTADOR Dictador x Orlinski 5 Decades - Hand-Painted Limited Edition Dictador is disrupting the market by creating an actual artwork as a bottle. Blended by Distillery Master, Hernan Parra, the collection features rum from finely aged 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996 & 2006 casks, representing five decades of ichard Orlinski's life and work. Parra has personally selected the best barrels from his family’s private stock in Colombia to create the exceptional liquid. Please note that bottle pantone is subject to artist interpretation at the time it was painted. *THE DALMORE The Dalmore Constellation Collection 1969 Cask 1 Elie Bleu Edition DFS Exclusive - Only 1 Set In The World The Dalmore has partnered with world-renowned cabinet maker, Elie Bleu, to create 8 bespoke & highly collectible humidors featuring rare bottles from The Dalmore. For 180 years The Dalmore has been a masterpiece in the making and the Constellation Collection 1969 Cask No.1 embodies this ethos. This is indeed a rare and unique masterpiece sure to leave a lasting impression. *THE MACALLAN The Macallan M Collection Rare Distillery Release The Macallan M Collection, a range of limited release single malt whiskies, celebrates the brand’s acclaimed Six Pillars: Natural Color, Mastery, Curiously Small Spirit Stills, The Estate, Exceptional Oak Casks and Sherry Seasoning. The first three expressions are the 2022 editions of the previously released M and M Black and the brand-newM Copper, which pays tribute to the copper stills utilized by The Macallan since it was founded in 1824. *TOMATIN SINGLE MALT WHISKY Tomatin Warehouse 6 - 1976 Single Malt Only 350 Bottles In The World Filled in 1976 and lied undisturbed in Warehouse 6, the exquisite spirit slowly matured in hand-selected Traditional Oak Hogsheads, developing subtle fruit tones. Over four and a half decades of watchful waiting by the cask’s custodians has seen this exclusive expression instilled with great complexity yet it presents tremendous youth & vibrancy - a remarkable balance to achieve. *CHAMPAGNE ARMAND DE BRIGNAC Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs Only 3,535 Bottles In The World Champagne Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs Assemblage Three (A3), is crafted with exceptional fruit sourced from some of the best Pinot Noir producing villages in the Montagne de Reims including Bouzy, Verzenay, Ludes, and Rilly LaMontagne. A trio of vintages 2009, 2010, 2012, the finished wine rested in the cellars 6 years until the 3,535 bottles were disgorged on April 9, 2019. Each bottle of Armand de Brignac Blanc de Noirs A3 is inscribed with its unique number (1 to 3,535), in addition to its disgorgement date, showcasing the rarity, exclusivity and collectability of this ultra-prestige cuvée. *PENFOLDS Bin 60A Coonawarra Cabernet Barossa Shiraz 1962 A confluence of oenological, physical and philosophical achievement, 1962 Bin 60A was a cross-regional blend which exemplified the emerging Penfolds house wine style and highlighted the extraordinary synthesis of aromas and flavors derived from blending Cabernet and Shiraz. *CHTEAU HAUT BRION Chteau Haut Brion 2011, 2015 & 2016 Rare Cellar Release In 1533, Jean de Pontac bought the title to the domain of Haut-Brion, giving birth to a wine estate whose illustrious heritage would be preserved and promoted over the centuries by four families. In 1749, Joseph de Fumel, who inherited Chteau Haut-Brion, carried on the work begun by his predecessors. American financier and lover of France Clarence Dillon eventually purchased the estate in 1935. Robert Parker: 94 (2011), 100 (2015), 97-99 (2016); James Suckling: 96 (2011), 97-98 (2015), 100 (2016). MASTERS OF WINES AND SPIRITS CATEGORY LIFESTYLE IMAGES: -完- |