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2023-4-25 19:20| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 117| 评论: 0

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简介:演出预告Performance Preview乐季音乐会“交‘响’辉映——成渝双城音乐会”Season Concert “Chengdu Chongqing” 2023年3月25日19:3025 th Mar. 2023, 19:30 城市音乐厅·音乐厅Chengdu City Concert Hall·Conc ...


Performance Preview



Season Concert “Chengdu & Chongqing”


25 th Mar. 2023, 19:30


Chengdu City Concert Hall·Concert hall


26 th Mar. 2023, 19:30


Chongqing Grand Theatre















LIN Musen, conductor



WU Bo, Co-Concertmaster



FAN Jingma, tenor



GU Wenmeng, soprano


80 / 120 / 180 / 280 / 380 元

双人套 9折

三人套 8.5折

曲目单|The program



Mikhail Glinka:

Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture



Franz Lehar:

Vilja Lied from Opera Die lustige Witwe



Ruggiero Leoncavallo:

Stridono lassù from Opera Pagliacc



Ruggiero Leoncavallo:

Intermezzo from Opera Pagliacci



Antonio Rossini:

La Promessa



Francesco Paolo Tosti:

A Vuchella



Giacomo Puccini:

Duet between Mimì and Rodolfo “O Soave Fanciulla” from Opera La Bohème





Antonín Dvoák:

Symphony No. 9 in E Minor "From the New World", Op. 95

I. 柔板 - 很快的快板

Adagio-Allegro molto

II. 广板


III. 谐谑曲:很活泼的

Scherzo:Molto vivace

IV. 火热的快板

Allegro con fuoco




BAO Yuankai:

Happiness at sunrise



ZHAO Lei / Arr. by LIU Li:



曲目导赏|Program presentation
























《小嘴唇》是一首由意大利唯美派诗人加布里埃尔·邓南遮作词、弗朗切斯科·保罗·托斯蒂作曲的歌曲。这部歌曲诞生于1904年,正是拿波里民歌风靡之时,这首歌曲中也能听出浓郁的拿波里风格。恩里科·卡鲁索(Enrico Caruso)、罗贝托·穆洛罗(Roberto Murolo)和卢奇亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂(Luciano Pavarotti)在内的众多男高音歌唱家都曾演唱过这首作品。歌词简约朴素、清新自然,含蓄地表达出主人公的怜香惜玉之情。以一张小嘴借喻主人公心爱的姑娘,将小嘴比作一朵原本娇嫩、却因缺乏爱情滋润而干枯的玫瑰。主人公见此情景,愿用自己的一吻给纯洁的姑娘带去爱的甘醇。歌曲旋律悠扬舒缓,柔声细诉,恰如其分地烘托出主人公的怜香惜玉之心。













艺术家简介 | Artists introduction



《音乐周报》《交响世界》等媒体曾这样评价他的指挥:“诠释作品结构清晰,处理用心,音乐有情绪而不滥情。” “他在艺术的感知能力与审美趣味上,大大超越同龄人。”“林木森或将会是来自天府之国的第一位中国杰出指挥新秀。”




LIN Musen, Conductor in Residence of Chengdu Symphony Orchestra.

Music Weekly, Symphony World and other media have commented on his conducting: "Interpreting works with clear structure and handling with care, his music has emotion without being abusive." "He greatly surpasses his peers in artistic perceptiveness and aesthetic interest." "Lin Musen may be the first outstanding new Chinese conductor from the Land of Abundance (Chengdu)."

Lin Musen has studied with Prof. Qiu Zhenggui and Prof. Zhu Qiyuan at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, and with Prof. Yu Feng at the China Young Conductor Talent Program. He was selected for the 3rd Xiamen Zheng Xiaoying Conducting Class, the 2nd and 3rd Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Conducting Master Class, the 1st Almaty International Conducting Competition, and the 10th Bucharest International Conducting Competition, etc., and his performance was highly approved by the critics.

As a guest conductor, Lin Musen has performed with numerous orchestras and enjoyed close cooperation with them, among which are the Central Opera House Symphony Orchestra, Central Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, China National Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Opera House Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra, Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, Kunming Nieer Symphony Orchestra, Henan Symphony Orchestra, Chongqing Symphony Orchestra, Ningxia Symphony Orchestra, Sichuan Philharmonic Orchestra, Sichuan Symphony Orchestra, and Sichuan Conservatory of Music Symphony Orchestra, etc.






2010年获得南加州大学(USC)Schoenfeld奖学金和Thronton奖学金,赴美留学深造,师从德裔美国小提琴教授Alice Schoenfeld和日裔美国小提琴家Midore Goto,获得硕士学位。

2012至2015加入纽约爱乐终身首席Glenn Dicterow(任期从1980-2015)在曼哈顿音乐学院(Manhattan School of Music)设立的乐队表演艺术项目(Orchetra Performance Program),师从Glenn Dicetrow,获硕士学位。期间同时得到旧金山交响乐团,伦敦爱乐团,大都会歌剧院乐团,波士顿交响乐团等等诸位首席指点。其间担任曼哈顿交响乐团首席,以客席身份参加纽约爱乐和大都会歌剧院演出。2015-2021加入广州交响乐团,担任乐团联合首席。期间完成重要首席独奏有:查拉图斯特拉如是说,西班牙狂想曲,天方夜谭,资产阶级绅士等,担任独奏音乐会有莫扎特双小提琴协奏曲,布宜诺斯艾利斯的四季,重要政治演出任务有:香港回归20周年,祖国70年大庆天安门前庆典演出等。



Wu Bo, born in Chongqing in 1980, he studied violin since childhood.

From 1990 to 1999, he was awarded a scholarship to attend the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Primary School. He studied with Professors Zhao Ji Yang, Fang Lei, Yu Lina, Zheng Shisheng and others. In 1997, he toured France with the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

From 1999 to 2003, he received a scholarship to study at the Central Conservatory of Music under Professor Wang Zhenyan, and received his bachelor's degree in 2003. In 2001, he participated in the master class of Seiji Ozawa-Rostropovich and received instruction from both masters and performed together.

From 2003 to 2010, he joined the China Symphony Orchestra (an orchestra directly under the Ministry of Culture) and toured extensively in China, and performed in the United States, Australia, Germany, Korea, Japan, and other places. He has performed with conductors such as Seiji Ozawa, Detouit, Rozhdjevinsky, Harding, etc., and soloists such as Sofimut, Maisky, Shaham, Yo-Yo Ma, Aggelich, Lang Lang, etc.

In 2010, he received the Schoenfeld Scholarship and Thronton Scholarship from the University of Southern California (USC) to study in the United States, where he received his master's degree from German-American violin professor Alice Schoenfeld and Japanese-American violinist Midore Goto.

From 2012 to 2015, he joined the New York Philharmonic Lifetime Principal Glenn Dicterow's (1980-2015) Orchetra Performance Program at the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Glenn Dicetrow and received his MFA. Dicetrow, where he received his master's degree. During this time, he received instruction from the San Francisco Symphony, the London Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and other principals. He was the principal of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra and performed as a guest with the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera.

From 2015-2021, he joined the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra as co-concertmaster. During this period, he completed important principal solos such as: Also Sprach Zarathustra, Spanish Rhapsody, Scheherazade, Bourgeois Gentleman, etc. He performed solo concerts such as Mozart Double Violin Concerto, Four Seasons in Buenos Aires, and important political performance assignments such as: 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, and the performance in front of Tiananmen Square for the 70th anniversary of the motherland.

In 2021, he was appointed by Chongqing Cultural Tourism Commission as the leader and principal of Chongqing Festival Symphony Orchestra, and at the same time formed the "Chongjin String Quartet".



范竞马1982年毕业于四川音乐学院并留校任教,随后入中央音乐学院声歌系继续攻读。荣获1984年中央电视台首届青年歌手电视大奖赛第名使他在中国一举成名并于1987年赴意大利去追寻他的学习美声梦想。其间他就学于意大利帕尔玛威尔第音乐学院,师从著名男高音卡洛·苯岗奇;(Carlo Bergonzi),随即又于1991年赴美国纽约朱利亚音乐学院歌剧中心研习并于1992-1993年跟随世界顶级男高音佛朗科·科来里(Franco Corelli)深攻美声唱法。

范竞马主演的主要歌剧 包括浮士德(Faust,古诺)、唐·卡洛(Don Carlos)、 拉莫莫的露琪亚(Lucia di Lammermoor)等四十余部。同时也是银屏上的出色演员,他在1995年电影版歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》 (Sony Classical Film, Frederic Mitterand导演、 James Conlon 指挥, 黄英、 Richard Troxell主演)中扮演的五郎甚至赢得了《歌剧今日》杂志“值得被奥斯卡奖提名”的赞誉。近年来范竞马不辞辛苦地尝试和推广中国新歌剧,2002-2005年间他就首演了五部最新创作的中国歌剧。 范竞马同时还是一位成果辉煌的独唱家,被誉为富有宽阔的音域、温暖的音色、轻松自如的灵活性、忠实于原作的诠释和无暇的台风。


Fan Jingma came to international attention as a prize winner at the Third Cardiff Singer of the World Competition in 1987, upon which Placido Domingo commented as “a tenor rarely heard in Europe during the past decade,” which was followed by the Silver Medal at the Second Rosa Ponselle International Vocal Competition (NYC, 1988), the First Prize at the Opera Index Vocal Competition (NYC, 1991), and the Finalist Award at the Luciano Pavarotti International Vocal Competition (Philadelphia, 1995).

After having graduated from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in his native China in 1982, Fan Jingma stayed on as a professor of voice. He became a national celebrity overnight after winning China’s First Televised National Youth Vocal Competition in 1984. He went to Italy in 1987 and studied at the Conservatorio Arrigo Boito di PARMA, where he refined his bel canto technique under the guidance of Carlo Bergonzi, and then went on to the Juilliard School of Music to further his education in 1991 and studied with the famed tenor, Franco Corelli, from 1992-1993 while in New York.

Fan Jingma’s major operatic repertoire includes the title roles in Faust, Don Carlos, Lucia di Lammermoor, La Boheme, among the over 40 operas and operettas. Fan has performed on the stage of major opera houses around the world, and his portrayal of Goro in the 1995 releaseof the film version of Madame Butterfly (Sony Classical Film, directed by Frederic Mitterand with James Conlon conducting, starring Ying Huang and Richard Troxell) gained high acclaim and was reviewed as “worthy of an Oscar nomination” by Opera Now Magazine. Fan Jingma also makes great efforts to champion new Chinese operas and performed the title roles in five opera premiers between 2002 and 2005.At the same time, Fan Jingma is an accomplished soloist and recitalist and is praised for his wide vocal range, warm timbre, effortless agility, truthful interpretation of the original work, and commanding stage presentation.



近年来其演出足迹遍布世界各地。2018年4月代表意大利帕尔马皇家歌剧院青年艺术家赴佛罗伦萨Fondazione Franco Zeffirelli 成功举办了威尔第专场音乐会;同年9月参加在意大利摩德纳帕瓦罗蒂歌剧院参加纪念帕瓦罗蒂逝世11周年纪念音乐会;同年10月参加2018年意大利威尔第国际音乐节的十余场音乐会;同年11月与世界著名指挥家Oleg Caetani和米兰威尔第交响乐团合作。2019年1月在中国淄博大剧院与意大利著名指挥家Alessandro D’Agostini 合作出演莫扎特的歌剧《唐璜》中安娜一角。2019年7月在意大利的三座不同城市与意大利著名指挥家Roberto Gianola合作巡演威尔第的歌剧《茶花女》中薇奥蕾塔一角。在欧洲期间,多次在意大利和瑞士成功举办个人独唱音乐会。

自2017年起,在意大利多次获得各大国际声乐赛事的奖项,例如2017第二十二届意大利Fraschini国际声乐比赛第一名;2018年意大利第三届Andrea Chénier国际声乐比赛第三名和以作曲家Umberto Giordano命名为的最佳作品演唱大奖;2018年意大利首届Giovani Talenti国际声乐比赛第一名;2018年意大利Pienza国际声乐比赛的由帕瓦罗蒂音乐协会颁发的最具潜力年轻歌手奖。2019年2月在意大利举办的第十五届Concorso Internazionale per giovani voci liriche "Flaviano Labò"国际声乐比赛荣获第一名。2019年第五十七届意大利布塞托“威尔第之声”国际声乐比赛(中国赛区)第一名及特别奖,荣获19年意大利威尔第国际音乐节和两部歌剧的主要角色,并且代表中国参加在意大利布塞托举行的总决赛,荣获第二名及威尔第特别奖最佳女声奖两项大奖。

2020年9月受邀参加意大利帕尔马威尔第歌剧节,在歌剧《茶花女》中饰演女主角Violetta维奥蕾塔,成功巡演5场并受到一致好评,因此还登上欧洲主流歌剧杂志Opera-Charm,为首位华人登上此杂志。2020年10月24日受邀在北京音乐厅与中国交响乐团,著名指挥家李心草合作,成功出《聆赏经典》歌剧“茶花女”音乐会,饰演女主角Violetta维奥蕾塔,获业内外一致好评。2021年12月与著名指挥家张洁敏合作,在上音歌剧院成功出演上海音乐学院制作的《茶花女》Violetta 一角。


Gu Wenmeng, a young soprano works and studies in Europe, a signed Opera singer of the London music agency Onlystage, UK, and a master of the Royal Academy of Music in Parma.In 2016, she graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and studied under Mezzo Soprano Huang Xuan(deputy director of the Department of Vocal Songs of Shanghai Conservatory of Music).Now she studying for a doctor's degree at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, under the guidance of Liao Changyong, a famous baritone singer, doctoral supervisor and president of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

In recent years, Her performances have spread all over the world. In 2014, she participated in the Shanghai Comedy Festival and played the role of Pamina in Mozart's opera "Magic Flute"; In December of the same year, at the invitation of the Italian Genoa Municipal Government, the Auditorium of Sant'Agostino in Genoa in cooperation with the famous Italian conductor Marco Zambelli; In 2015, she participated in the Puccini Music Festival held at the Italian Theatre in Rome, and played the role of Mimi in Puccini's opera “La Bohème ”In December of the same year, she costarred in the role of the Countess in Mozart's opera "The Marriage of Figaro" with the famous Chinese conductor Zhang Chengjie, the famous Italian opera house permanent conductor Umberto Finazzi and the famous Italian director Marco Gandini at the Shanghai Oriental Art Center; In December of the same year, She participated in the second Baroque International Music Festival in Shanghai, and worked with the French Flaming Opera Orchestra and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra led by the famous conductor David Stern in the Shanghai Symphony Hall, and served as a soprano solo in Mozart's ure song “Ecxultate”K.165; In 2016, she participated in the Beijing Xige Drama Festival and cooperated with the famous director Li Wei to play the role of Lauretta in Puccini's opera “Gianni Schicchi ”In April 2018, on behalf of the young artists of the Royal Opera House of Parma, Italy, she successfully held the Verdi special concert in Fondazione Franco Zeffirelli, Florence; In September of the same year, she was invited by the Italian Pavarotti Opera Association to participate in the concert commemorating the 11th anniversary of Pavarotti's death at the Pavarotti Opera House in Modena, Italy; In October of the same year, she participated in more than ten concerts of the 2018 Italian Verdi International Music Festival; In November of the same year, in cooperation with the world-famous conductor Oleg Caetani and the Milan Verdi Symphony Orchestra, he performed Verdi's Requiem "Messa di Requiem" as a soprano solo at the La Verdi - Condazione Carlo Concert Hall in Milan. In January 2019, she costarred in the role of Anna in Mozart's opera “Don Giovanni ”with Alessandro D'Agostini, a famous Italian conductor, at the Zibo Grand Theater in China. In July 2019, she costarred the role of Violetta in Verdi's opera La Traviata in three different Italian cities in cooperation with the famous Italian conductor Roberto Gianola. During her stay in Europe, she has successfully held solo concerts in Italy and Switzerland for many times. Since 2017, she has won many awards in major international vocal music competitions in Italy, such as the third place in the Italian Salice D'oro International Vocal Music Competition; 2017 Italy's first Bellano International Vocal Music Competition Most Potential Young Singer Award; Special Award of Fiorenza Cossotto International Vocal Competition in Italy in 2017; First place in the 22nd Italian Fraschini International Vocal Competition 2017; The third place of the third Andrea Ch é nier International Vocal Music Competition in Italy in 2018 and the best works singing award named after composer Umberto Giordano; First place in the first Giovani Talenti International Vocal Competition in Italy in 2018; The most promising young singer award awarded by the Pavarotti Music Association in the 2018 Pienza International Vocal Music Competition in Italy. The 15th Concorso Internazionale per giovani voci liriche "Flaviano Lab ò" International Vocal Competition held in Italy in February 2019 won the first prize. In 2019, he won the first and special prize of the 57th "Verdi Voice" International Vocal Music Competition (China Division) in Buceto, Italy, won the main role of the two operas "I due Foscari" and "Luisa Miller" in the 19th Verdi International Music Festival in Italy, and represented China in the finals held in Buceto, Italy, and won the second and the Verdi Special Award for Best Female Voice. In September 2020, he was invited to participate in the opera festival of Palmarville, Italy, and played the heroine Violetta Violetta in the opera "La Traviata". She successfully toured five times and received unanimous acclaim. Therefore, she also appeared in the mainstream European opera magazine Opera Cham, the first Chinese to appear in this magazine. On October 24, 2020, she was invited to cooperate with the Chinese Symphony Orchestra and the famous conductor Li Xincao at the Beijing Concert Hall, and successfully performed the opera "La Traviata" concert of "Listening to the Classic", playing the heroine Violetta Violetta, which was highly praised both inside and outside the industry. In December 2021, in cooperation with the famous conductor Zhang Jiemin, she successfully performed the role of Violetta, the "La Traviata" produced by the Shanghai Conservatory of Music at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.


资料 | 李茜云 左欢欢 郭美辰


编辑 | 何春晓

校对 | 蔡瑶 丁姝琪





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