我们说过,6选2是真送分题,留的作业基本也没有难倒大家。但有时候,6选2也会突然难起来恶心你一下。不过你会发现,所谓难度加大,无非是通过复杂化句子成分加大你的理解成本。 我们来看看下面这道真题。 1. Benjamin Franklin’s reputation is so much one of appearing scientific investigation with commonsenseempiricismthat it is somewhatstartlingto realize how______the great experiment’s mentoring truly was. A. reasonable B. speculative C. pragmatic D. conjectural E. careless F. judicious 但对于这样的题目,小跟班的解决办法是:考试中,你大可不必过于纠结整个句子的意思。通过锁定关键词,找准句子中的逻辑关系即可(可以是类同或是类反)。然后,选项中的单词又都在你的掌握之中,相信选出正确答案不会是难事。 本题的关键是,startling。 Something that is startling is so different, unexpected, or remarkable that people react to it withsurprise. 通过英文解释,我们可以归纳,startling=surprise=unexpected,当填空中出现这类词,要下意识地觉得,“我要找一对反义关系了”。 前面提到的empiricism,中文解释是经验主义=should rely on practical experience and experiments,换句话说就是“实事求是”。那么空中,应该填入意思相反的词,故正确答案是BD。 你真的不用纠结本杰明·富兰克明到底干了什么,毕竟他和你又不熟。 其实作为宇哥跟班的我当年备考那会,有过来人悄悄和我说,GRE语文部分最难的其实是三空题,简直“丧尽天良”。其实那位前辈说得对也不对,比如刚才我们分析的那道题就有些许的难度,而有的三空题却没那么吓人。我们来看看下面这道题。 2.Withinthe culture as a whole, the natural sciences have been sosuccessfulthat the word “scientific” is often used in ________ manner:it is often assumed that to call something “scientific” is to imply that its reliability has been ________ by methods whose results cannot reasonably be _________. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) A. An ironic D. maligned G. exaggerated B. A literal E. challenged H. anticipated C. An honorific F. established I. disputed 通关锦囊:Malign [m'lan]有两个意思,分别是: ①to say unpleasant and untrue things about them; ②it causes harm。 此外,请注意提干中被highlight的部分。 我就帮你到这了,请大胆在留言处写下你的答案和解析! 更多GRE相关学习知识请加入学习交流群QQ:916321840 |