Meaning: “敲” means to “knock,” and “黑板” means “blackboard.” Chalk and blackboards are the most common things in a Chinese classroom. Typically, a teacher will knock at the blackboard to draw the students’ attention before he or she is going to write down something important, like the contents that will possibly appear in the final exams. Therefore, sometimes another term “划重点” (literally, mark out the focus) will follow “敲黑板.” Chinese netizens now use the term asa cue for something they want other people to pay attention to. Example: A: 你怎样似乎没睡醒? Nǐ zěnme hǎoxiàng méi shuì xǐng? You look a bit drowsy. B: 我昨天刷网剧,清晨三点才睡。 Wǒ zuótiān shuā wǎngjù, língchén sāndiǎn cái shuì。 Yeah, I binge-watched a network drama last night and didn’t hit the hay until 3 in the morning. A: 敲黑板!睡眠缺乏容易发胖。 Qiāo hēibǎn!Shuìmián bù zú róngyì fāpàng。 Watch out! Sleep deprivation may lead to weight gain. Shenzhen Daily EyeShenzhen |