夏日绿部分为新增话题,生机橙部分为保存话题。 想一同工作的家人 Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future You should say: Who the person is What kind of work you would like to do with the person Whether you worked together before And explain why you want to work with this family member 在中国什么样的家庭产业比较常见? 为什么人们想要成立家庭产业? 家族产业的缺陷是什么? 与家人一同工作好吗? 在大公司工作的优点是什么? 为什么越来越多的年轻人想要自己创业? 有趣的邻居 Describe an interesting neighbor You should say: Who the person is How you knew the person What you do together And explain why you think the person is interesting 人们和他们的邻居熟习吗? 与邻居相处好有益处吗? 在社区里人们怎样提升他们与邻居的关系? 在社区里孩子们怎样树立与其他人的关系? 名人 Describe a well-known person in your country You should say: Who this person is What the person did Why the person is popular And explain how you feel about the person 受欢送的优点和缺陷是什么? 为什么有些人不那么受欢送? 在同事中受欢送是好事吗? 什么样的人在工作中受欢送? 你以为在工作中老板比员工更受欢送吗? 哪个更重要,与同事坚持良好关系还是做好工作? 为什么有些孩子在学校很受欢送? 为什么有些孩子在学校不受欢送? 一个孩子在学校受欢送有什么益处? 喜欢聊天的朋友 Describe a friend you like to talk with You should say: Who the person is What you like to talk about Why you like to talk with the person And explain how you feel about theperson 年轻人洗砦筅哪里见面? 年轻人见面时都说些什么? 人们在和朋友交谈时应该诚实吗? 人们在什么状况下会和陌生人说话? 花钱少的一天 Describe a special day you didn't spend much money when you went out You should say: When it was Where you went How much you spent And explain how you feel about the day 人们喜欢外出渡过休闲时间吗? 你国度的人怎样渡过他们的休闲时间? 科技怎样影响了人们渡过休闲时间的方式? 只需老年人才有休闲的时间吗? 当人们外出的时分人们能够怎样省钱? 积极的改动 Describe a positive change you made in your life You should say: What the change was When it happened How it happened And explain why it was a positive change 改动总是好的吗? 对人们来说依据环境做出改动是重要的吗? 人们生活中通常发作什么样的改动? 关于年轻人来说改动容易吗? 关于老年人来说改动容易吗? 科技的展开影响人们的生活吗? 辅佐小孩 Describe a time when you helped a child You should say: When it was How you helped Why you helped And how you felt about it 成年人应该辅佐孩子们吗? 在什么状况下孩子们需求大人的辅佐? 教孩子辅佐他人有必要吗? 父母怎样教育他们的孩子辅佐他人? 意愿效劳有必要吗? 学校怎样做来培育学生的意愿效劳认识? 谁从意愿者效劳中获益更多,意愿者还是得到辅佐的人? 学习工作的倡议 Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice about your work or study You should say: Who the person is When the person gave you advice How the advice affected you And explain how you felt about it 什么时分父母应该鼓舞孩子? 父母应该不时鼓舞他们的孩子吗? 谁的倡议更有用,父母的倡议还是朋友的倡议? 网上讯问倡议是明智的措施吗? 孩子们应该被允许自己做决议吗? 年轻人在做决议时听取倡议是必要的吗? 负面反响比正面反响更重要吗? 忙碌的阅历 Describe a time you were very busy You should say: When it happened Where you were What you did And explain why you were busy 为什么人们往常很忙? 忙碌的优点和缺陷是什么? 人们在工作中会阅历什么样的压力? 人们如何应对生活中的压力? 休息关于忙碌重要吗? 往常的孩子面临什么样的压力? 孩子们应该在游戏中学习还是在压力下学习? 丢东西 Describe an occasion you lost something You should say: What you lost When and where you lost it What you did to find it And explain how you felt about it 什么样的人经常丢东西?(不是词汇题) 人们通常丢什么东西? 当丢东西的时分人们通常做什么? 用物质悬赏去找到丧失的东西是有效的吗? 庆祝活动 Describe an important event you celebrated You should say: What the event was When it happened Who attended the event And explain how you feel about the event 人们通常和一大群人庆祝还是和很少的人庆祝? 人们通常和家人一同庆祝节日吗? 人们通常庆祝什么事情? 人们怎样庆祝public events ? 花很多钱庆祝是糜费钱吗? 计划事情的时分什么要素应该被思索? 进步留意力 Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work or study You should say: What it is How it helps you concentrate When you do it And explain how you feel about it 为什么往常的孩子们比过去更难集中留意力? 科技会影响孩子们集中留意力的才干吗? 孩子们怎样学会集中留意力? 锻炼能辅佐人们进步留意力吗? 假如人们长时间专注于同一件事会有什么缺陷? 什么样的工作需求高度集中留意力? 当人们专注于工作时,什么会让他们分心? 节约时间的措施 Describe a way that helps you save a lot of time You should say: What it is What it is about How difficult it is And explain why you use it 科技艺辅佐人们俭省时间吗? 家长应该教孩子节约时间吗? 人们能做些什么来俭省时间? 擅长管理时间的人能否更容胜利? 让你诧异的事情 Describe something that surprised you You should say: What it is When it happened What you did And explain whether it made you happy 高兴对人有影响吗? 在你们的文化中人们怎样表白他们的高兴? 人们怎样得到高兴? 关于人们来说不高兴是一件好事吗? 运用手机 Describe a time you used your smartphone to do something important You should say : When it happened What happened Why you think the thing is important And explain how you felt about the experience 人们通常用手机做什么? 年轻人和老年人运用手机有什么不同? 哪个更重要,用手机打电话还是用手机看短信? 应该有法律遏止人们在公共场所打电话吗? 想参与的竞赛 Describe a competition you want to participate in You should say: When it will be held What the competition is about Where the competition will take place And explain why you would like to participate in it 电视节目中什么竞赛比较常见? 为什么竞赛类的节目比较受欢送? 竞争在工作中是重要的吗? 什么样的工作请求人们要愈加具备竞争力? 什么样的工作需求更多的竞争? 鼓舞人们在公司与他人竞争是有必要的吗? 家长应该教育他们的孩子更有竞争力吗? 当孩子在学校表示好时,给他们奖励是好的吗? 交通梗塞 Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam You should say: When it happened Where you were stuck What you did while waiting And explain how you felt in the traffic jam 为什么交通梗塞更严重? 展开公共交通能够处置交通梗塞问题吗? 人们如何处置交通梗塞问题? 高速公路有助于减少交通梗塞吗? 管理交通的好措施是什么? 坚持健康的活动 Describe something you do to keep healthy and fit You should say: What it is When you do it How you do it And explain why you think it helped to keep healthy 人们通常做什么事情来坚持健康? 孩子和老年人怎样坚持健康? 家长怎样辅佐引导他们的孩子坚持健康? 关于身体健康哪个更重要,健康的饮食还是规律的运动? 政府运用爱豆的力气辅佐人们树立健康认识是好的吗? 重要河流 Describe an important river or lake in your country You should say: Where it is located How long it is What it looks like And explain why it is important 为什么有的人喜欢参观有江河湖海的中央? 河流吸收游客吗? 河流怎样造福当地的人? 河流怎样影响当地的旅游业? 河流对交通有益处吗? 人们有闲暇时间的时分经常游泳吗? 关于人们来说学习游泳有必要吗? 宁静的中央 Describe a quiet place you like to go You should say: Where it is When you would go there What you do there And explain why you like to visit there 为什么人们喜欢参观宁静的中央? 为什么老年人更喜欢生活在宁静的中央? 在城市中找到宁静的中央是容易的吗? 为什么人们有的时分喜欢独处? 和过去相比为什么往常家里有更多的噪音? 为什么人们觉得噪音很打扰? 为什么人们在学习或工作的时分喜欢用噪音作为背景音乐? 改动世界的发明 Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way You should say: What it is How it changed people's life What benefits it has brought And explain whether it is good for people 科技使人们的生活更容易吗? 家里最有用的发明是什么? 什么家用电器使我们懒散? 你以为学校里最重要的发明是什么? 你以为人工智能会取代人类教员吗? 老年人能否更难接受新技术? 怎样辅佐老年人学习运用新技术? 假如我们生活中没有科技,我们的生活会更好吗? 你以为污染是技术展开的结果吗? 传统产品 Describe a traditional product in your country You should say: What it is How it was made When you had it for the first time And explain how you feel about it 中国有什么传统产品? 为什么人们置办传统产品,由于传统价值还是由于手工价值? 即便传统产品缺乏适用性,为什么人们还是喜欢? 为什么传统产品很重要? 孩子学习传统重要吗? 维护传统有必要吗? 传统产品对当地人特别是制造者有益吗? 你以为政府应该辅佐推行传统产品吗? 想共处的人 Describe a person you like to spend time with You should say : Who the person is When you knew the person What you did with the person Explain why you like spending time with him or her 年轻人喜欢和老年人交流吗? 人们往常有自己的时间吗? 什么类型的人好相处? 指导怎样与下属相处? 对社会有贡献的人 Describe a person who contributes to the society You should say : Who the person is How you knew him or her What kind of work the person does Explain why you think the person contributes to the society 什么工作薪水高? 年轻人应该比老年人薪水低吗? 工作条件有什么变更? 盛行病关于工作环境有什么影响? 社交媒体关注的人 Describe a person who you follow on social media You should say : Who the person is When you knew the person What the person posted on social media Explain why you follow the person on social media 人们在社交媒体上能做什么? 老年人会在社交媒体上花很多时间吗? 老年人和年轻人会运用同类的社交软件吗? 无社交性质的媒体(好比电视和报纸)还有用吗? 一见难忘的人 Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about You should say : Who the person is When you knew the person How you knew the person Explain how you feel about it 什么场所人们能够交朋友? 什么质量是真朋友? 交朋友时有共同兴味喜好重要吗? 人们怎样交朋友? 朋友讲的故事 Describe a story someone told you and you remember You should say : Who told you the story What the story was about Why you remember it How you feel about it 为什么孩子们喜欢听故事? 大一点的孩子跟小一点的孩子喜皇编同的故事吗? 家长应该怎样给孩子讲故事? 科技怎样改动讲故事? 有趣的说话 Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friends You should say : When it happened What the conversation was about Who you had conversation with How you feel about it 孩子们什么时分有自己的想法? 孩子们有很激烈的观念吗? 家长应该请求孩子服从他们吗? 什么职业里沟通是一项重要技艺? 年轻人通常谈论什么? 人们面对面时会有更多的沟通吗? 面对面沟通和电话沟通的区别是什么? 人们怎样提升自己的沟通技巧? 长距离远足 Describe a long walk you had You should say : When it happened What impressed you Who you were with Explain how you feel about it 人们喜欢什么户外活动? 孩子们往常的户外活动和以前的户外活动有什么区别? 休闲时间关于人们重要吗? 女性比男性具有更多的休闲时间吗? 印象深化的课程 Describe a course that impressed you a lot You should say : When you had this course What the course was about How you feel about the course Explain why it impressed you 为什么有的人记忆力好? 人们喜欢有留念意义的东西吗? 什么能够辅佐人们加深记忆,文字还是图片? 科技艺辅佐人们加深记忆吗? 收到特殊蛋糕 Describe a special cake you received form others You should say : When it happened How you received it Who sent it to you Explain why you think it is special 中国的特殊食物和其他国度的特殊食物有什么区别? 在你国度有什么食物是在特殊时间或特殊场所吃的吗? 为什么人们愿意在特殊的日子花很多钱吃饭? 跟家人边吃饭边交谈是好事吗? 学习外语 Describe a thing you did to learn other languages You should say : When you learned What you did to learn it How you feel about it Why you learned it 言语学习重要吗? 学习一门言语最好的方式是什么? 单独学习好还是组队学习好? 组织活动 Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully You should say : When you organized How you prepared Who helped you to organize Explain how you feel about it 人们组织活动时需求他人的辅佐吗? 一切事都需求提早准备好吗? 什么状况下人们需求organized ? 家长怎样辅佐孩子变得organized ? 志向 Describe an ambition you haven't achieved You should say : What it is When you had this ambition What you did How you feel about it 孩子们有什么样的志向? 为什么有的人在工作上很有志向? 为什么有的人没有幻想? 人们怎样均衡工作和生活? 不喜欢的规则 Describe a rule you don't like You should say : What it is What the rule is about Why you don't like it How others feel about it 学生们在学校应该恪守什么规则? 校规是好是坏?为什么? 孩子们在家里应该恪守什么规则? 当人们停车停错地点时会被怎样惩罚? 向老人学习的技艺 Describe a skill that you learned from older people You should say : When you learned What the skill is How you learned How you feel about it 孩子们能向父母学到什么? 孩子们能向祖父母学到什么学问? 年轻人能向老年人学到什么技艺? 老年人需求什么样的辅佐? 送朋友的礼物 Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend You should say : What it is Who you want to give Why you want to buy it Why you want to give your friend the gift 人们什么时分送他人礼物? 传统节日时人们送礼物还是送红包? 人们收到礼物时开心吗? 选择礼物容易吗? 免费物品 Describe something you received for free You should say : What it is How you got it Who gave it to you How you feel about it 公司通常给顾客赠送什么免费小礼品? 为什么顾客喜欢收到免费小礼品? 人们应该支付高等教育的费用吗? 未来教育免费是好事还是坏事? 坏掉又修好的东西 Describe something that was broken and then repaired in your home You should say : What it is When it was broken How it was repaired How you feel about it 人们喜欢自己修什么类型的东西? 为什么人们喜欢去专业维修门店去修手机? 产品的质量比以前变差了吗? 社会以为IT 相关的工作更有价值吗? 离不开的东西 Describe something that you can't live without (not a computer or cellphone) You should say : What it is What you do with it How it helps you in your life Explain why you can't live without it 为什么孩子们被新事物所吸收(好比电子设备)? 为什么成年人不喜欢扔掉旧东西(好比衣服)? 人们购物的方式被什么影响? 人们置办新东西有什么影响? 童年喜欢的玩具 Describe a toy you liked in your childhood You should say : What the toy is When you received it How you played it How you felt about it 以孩子为目的群体的广告应该被遏止吗? 广告怎样影响孩子? 往常孩子的玩具和以前孩子的玩具有什么区别? 家长应该给孩子买更多玩具还是多花时间陪伴孩子? 他人给你的衣服 Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you You should say : What it is When you got it Who gave it to you Explain how you feel about it 为什么人们日常生活中衣着休闲而工作中衣着正式? 学校穿校服有什么优点和缺陷? 工作中穿工作服有什么优点和缺陷? 为什么不同国度的人穿不同的服饰? 有趣的歌曲 Describe an interesting song You should say : What the song is What story the song tells Whether the song is popular Why you think it is interesting 年轻人喜欢什么类型的音乐? 什么样的人喜欢传统音乐? 现场演唱会和线演出唱会有什么区别? 为什么音乐竞赛在中国受欢送? 有趣的城市 Describe a city that is very interesting You should say : Where it is How you knew the city What it is famous for Why you think the city is interesting 为什么年轻人喜欢住在城市? 老年人喜欢住在城市还是住在乡下? 旅游业能够给一个城市带来什么优势? 展开成熟的旅游业对当地人有消极影响吗? 去过的新中央 Describe a time you went to a new place You should say : Where it is When you went there What you did there How you feel about the place 人们喜欢住在一个城市还是作为游客去那个城市旅游? 为什么一些人选择去离家很远的城市读大学? 小孩儿们第一次上学有什么反响? 年轻人和老年人关于新事物的反响有什么区别? 想住的房子/ 公寓 Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in You should say : Where it is What it is like Why you would like to live there How you feel about it 房子和公寓有什么区别? 年轻人喜欢的房子和老年人喜欢的房子有什么区别? 什么样的公寓受欢送? 人们通常租房子还是买房子? 乡村的中央 Describe a place in a village you visited You should say : Where it is When you visited the place What you did How you feel about it 人们为什么去乡村? 人们在乡村能够做什么? 中国的村庄有什么特别之处吗? 人们未来会住在乡下吗? |