Today's Keyword millet 翻译: n.小米;粟;稷;黍的子实 例句: The discoveries add to the growing body of evidence that millet was the grain of choice for this part of China . 考古发掘提供了新的证据,小米是中国西北地域人们食用粮食的主要选择。 Today’s Big Kitchen of the Eighth Route Army, located in the Memorial Hall of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army in Chi’an Village, Henandian Town, She County, is restored and repaired from the kitchen of the former Command during the period between 1942 and 1943. Here the visitors are served with millet porridge, pumpkin soup, eggplant, etc. which the Eighth Route Army soldiers survived upon despite difficulties during hard times. They will also have a firsthand experience of the memorable years of the veteran revolutionists. 八路军大伙房,位于涉县河南店镇赤岸村八路军一二九师留念馆,在1942年至1943年期间,由原司令部伙房恢复修理,变成为今天的“八路军大伙房”。在这里能够品味到当年八路军战士所吃的小米饭、南瓜汤、秋茄子等,亲身体验老一辈反动家的峥嵘岁月。 The Big Kitchen of the Eighth Route Army is a specialty restaurant featuring with farmhouse cuisine and local flavor. It is characterized by dishes of strong local characteristics, such as Hotchpotch in an Iron Pot and the series of Farmhouse Steamed Dishes. For lunch, the visitors can watch the spectacular artistic performance with a theme of “Red Classic and Culture of Anti-Japanese War”. 八路军大伙房是以“农家特征、中央风味”为主题的特征餐厅,设有浓郁中央特征的铁锅乱炖和农家蒸碗系列,中午用餐时还可免费观赏到以“红色经典、抗战文化”为主题的精彩文艺演出。 The specialties here provides include, Roasted Whole Rabbit, Sichuan Pepper Leaves with Shelled Walnuts, She County Bean Curd, Crispy Wild Vegetables, Brown Rice Served with Vegetables and Meat, and farmhouse foods made of flour such as Soda Cake, Corn Cake, Steamed Bran Bread, Minjie (a kind of local food made of flour), Fried Millet, etc. They are highly favored. 八路军大伙房的特征菜肴有:伙房烤全兔、花椒叶拌桃仁、涉县豆腐、爽口野菜、高粱米盖饭、苏打饼、玉米饼、糠面窝窝、抿节、炒小米等农家面点,倍受顾客喜欢。 129师丰功伟绩 一二九师是抗日战争时期八路军的一支雄师,一支生动在太行山间的抗日队伍。他点燃了太行山上的抗日烽烟,拱卫着晋冀鲁豫抗日依据地,他的足迹布及红河之滨、喜马拉雅山,解放了大半个中国,为新中国的解放事业做出了杰出的贡献。 Today's Reader Today's reader is Becky German, from the USA. She is an English teacher of ShiJiazhuang Tiedao University. Becky German 来自美国,现任石家庄铁道大学外语教员。 英文译者 魏怡,石家庄铁道大学外语系教员。 《夜读河北(英文版)》由河北广播电视台综合广播与河北省委外宣局分离推出 |