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高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...

2023-1-14 16:02| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 88| 评论: 0

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简介:学过英语的人大都置信:英语里并没有太多晦涩难懂的概念能够直接招致学习的失败。英语学习尚未胜利,或许只是由于少了那份顽固与坚持。前情提要在Morrie还没有想出该怎样办的时分,越来越重的病情让他的行动愈加不便 ...

高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...

高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...


高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...





Part III

ALS is like a lit candle: it melts your nervesand leaves your body a pile of wax. Often, it begins with the legs and works its way up. You lose control of your thighmuscles, so that you cannot support yourself standing. You lose control of your trunkmuscles, so that you cannot sit up straight. By the end, if you are still alive, you are breathing through a tubein a hole in your throat, while your soul, perfectly awake, is imprisonedinside a limp(无力的) husk, perhaps able to blink, or clucka tongue, like something from a science fiction movie, the man frozen inside his own flesh. This takes no more than five years from the day you contractthe disease.

Morrie’s doctors guessed he had two years left.

Morrie knew it was less.

But my old professor had made a profound decision, one he began to constructthe day he came out of the doctor’s office with a sword hanging over his head. Do I wither upand disappear, or do I make the best of my time left? he had asked himself.

He would not wither. He would not be ashamedof dying. Instead, he would make death his final project, the center point of his days. Since everyone was going to die, he could be of great value, right? He could be research. A human textbook. Study me in my slow and patient demise. Watch what happens to me. Learn with me.

Morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death, and narratethe trip.

高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...


1. wax: 依据前文的candle(蜡烛)和melt(凝结)猜出:蜡

2. thigh: 依据后文cannot support yourself standing猜出:大腿

3. trunk:我们学过它的“树干”之意,再依据后文cannot sit up straight猜出:躯干

4. tube: 这个词是高中必修三的词汇,当时讲的意义:晶体管,再则,大家都听过有名的You Tube(油管),这里要黑一下我们严兵班的严伟教员,他每次读都读成( You Tu(too) Be(B)自己脑补他的发音),这样大家很明晰的能够记住它的拼写了吧,哈哈哈!本文中它的意义是:管子

5. husk:依据前文,被关在一个无力的“躯壳”里而猜出

6. cluck: 前文说他能眨眼,这里是咂舌

7. wither up: 依据后文disappear大约猜出为其近义,实践意义为:枯萎,枯死

8. demise:课上教过大家,词缀de-常见意义---背面,下,再依据上下文,猜出:死亡

9. narrate:前文说到,Morrie教员要让自己成为research,叫他人study,watch他,他来walk that final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip所以猜出:讲述

高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...


1. lit: 为light(点燃)的过去分词之一,意为:点燃的

2.candle:蜡烛,记不住的亲来脑洞下:小时分家里停电,点蜡烛,我会在旁边拿手戳(云南方言读duo,哈哈哈),所以蜡烛(candle)就是停电能(can) 戳(duo---dle)了玩的东西!

3. nerve:大家应该是初三就见过nervous(慌张的),这里是它的名词nerve:神经

4. imprison:本词是必修一5单元词汇prison前面加了im(in向内),这个前缀,意为:监禁

5. contract: con(一同),tract(吸,拉)---把疾病都拉入身体,感染之意。 本期请大家依据这样的构词法,猜测一个单词的意义: tractor。词意会在下期揭晓。

6.construct:想想每天路上见到的银行CCB---China Construction Bank.中国树立银行

7. ashamed: 来自shame,脑洞大开来记忆,我(me)傻(sha)我羞愧(shame),ashamed---羞愧的

8. be of great value, 这个短语大家很熟习,这里想顺便给大家提个醒,英语中有很多相似公式化的短语,能够积聚记忆。Be + of + n.= be + adj. be of great value = be very valuable.




高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...

高中英语 | 跟Jessie读小说学英语 第6期:Tuesdays with ...








