小考鸭们! 2022.12.10 雅思预测来了 考试预测题出自学为贵 【李仙童预测】, 雅思名师团依据雅思官方的历年真题和出题规律, 总结出的近期的考试重点题目内容 听、说、写三项(无阅读预测) 是考前焦虑/缺乏温习重点人群的必选! 贵贵 温馨提示 不要背答案! 不要背答案! 不要背答案! 此篇为预测出自历年真题, 考试不会出一模一样的细致题目, 切勿背答案糜费时间和肉体! 预测仅供参考!提升自我实力才是最重要的! 听力预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE Part-1
...... Part-2
...... Part-3
...... Part-4
...... 细致题目可在『学为贵APP』-『李仙童预测』-『听力题库』中查看 完好版私信贵贵领取哦~ 口语预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE Part1: 重点考题 Housework & cooking Social media Old buildings Advertisements Meeting friends Evenings Science Watch Getting bored ...... Part 2: 地点建筑类 A part of your country that you would recommend to visitors A place for sports you’ve been to A quiet place you like ...... 媒体文娱类 Describe a photo you took that you are proud of Sth. that surprised you A beautiful object An invention that has changed the world in a positive way ...... 事情阅历类 A time you received positive praises because of sth. you did A time when you were stuck in a traffic jam A time when you missed an appointment A time you used your cellphone to do sth.important A special day out that didn’t cost you much A time when someone asked for your ...... 特殊类 An important lake/river in your country ...... 扫码抢先预定新题库, 还能够参与口语群,和教员一同,讨论新题,寻觅思绪! 写作预测 LIXIANTONG YUCE 立功类 Studies show that many criminals have a low level of education. For this reason, people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate people in prison so they can get a job when leave prison. Do you agree or disagree? ...... 科技展开类 online shopping is now replacing shopping in stores. Do you think it is a positive ornegative development? ...... 教育类 In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others,the government pays for them. Do the advantages of governments paying for feesoutweigh the disadvantages? ...... 我们预测有多准 请看复考的预测反响图 当然也不要融会贯通哦 ·end· —『想拿7分的人,都关注南京学为贵啦』— 扫码直接咨询 / 点击右上角三个点→立刻关注 |