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2023-1-18 15:57| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 82| 评论: 0

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简介:授粉作用关于地球上生物的影响至关重要,但这是人眼所无法明晰看到的。Louie Schwartzberg用高速图像展示了由花粉以及传粉者所结构出的巧妙世界。重复看了好几遍,除了震动,只能慨叹大自然无尽的美!The hidden bea ...


Louie Schwartzberg用高速图像展示了由花粉以及传粉者所结构出的巧妙世界。


The hidden beauty of pollination


It's great being here at TED. You know, I think there might be some presentations that will go over my head, but the most amazing concepts are the ones that go right under my feet. The little things in life,sometimes that we forget about, like pollination, that we take for granted. And you can't tell the story about pollinators-- bees, bats, hummingbirds, butterflies -- without telling the story about the invention of flowers and how they co-evolvedover 50 million years.

pollinationp-l-nā-shn: the transfer of pollen from an anther(花药) to the stigma(花朵的柱头) in angiosperms(被子植物) or from the microsporangium(小孢子囊) to the micropyle(珠孔) in gymnosperms(裸子植物). 授粉(作用)

pollinatorp-l-nā-tr: A pollinator is something which pollinates plants, especially a type of insect. 传粉者;(尤指)传粉昆虫

hummingbird: Any of numerous New World birds of the family Trochilidae, usually very small in size and having brilliant, iridescent plumage, a long slender bill, and wings capable of beating very rapidly, thereby enabling the bird to hover.




I've been filmingtime-lapse flowers24 hours a day, seven days a week, for over 35 years. To watch them move is a dance I'm never going to get tired of. It fills me with wonder, and it opens my heart.Beauty and seduction, I believe, is nature's tool for survival, because we will protect what we fall in love with. Their relationship is a love story that feeds the Earth. It reminds us that we are a part of nature,and we're not separate from it.

film: If you film something, you use a camera to take moving pictures which can be shown on a screen or on television. 拍摄;把…拍成电影(或电视)

time-lapse: Of, using, or being a technique that photographs a naturally slow process, such as plant growth, on movie film at intervals, so that continuous projection of the frames gives an accelerated view of the process.


seductionsi-dk-shn: the attractive quality of something 诱惑力;吸收力;魅力


When I heard about the vanishing bees, Colony Collapse Disorder, it motivated me to take action. We depend on pollinators for over a third of the fruits and vegetables we eat.And many scientists believeit's the most serious issue facing mankind. It's like the canaryin the coalmine. If they disappear, so do we. It reminds us that we are a part of nature and we need to take care of it.

vanishing: beginning to disappear 开端消逝的

Colony Collapse Disorder: (Wikipedia)Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is the phenomenon that occurs when the majority of worker bees in a colony disappear and leave behind a queen, plenty of food and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees and the queen. 蜂群衰竭失调




canaryk-ner-ē: A small finch(Serinus canaria) native to the Canary Islands that is greenish to yellow and has long been bred as a cage bird.

金丝雀:一种小型雀科鸣鸟(卡纳利鸟丝雀 金丝雀属) ,原产于加那利群岛,颜色从浅绿到黄色,长期以来不时被当作一种笼鸟喂养。


coalmine: 煤矿


What motivated me to film their behavior was something that I asked my scientific advisers: "What motivates the pollinators?" Well, their answer was, "It's all about risk and reward." Like a wide-eyed kid, I'd say, "Why is that?" And they'd say, "Well, because they want to survive." I go, "Why?" "Well, in order to reproduce." "Well, why?" And I thought that they'd probably say, "Well, it's all about sex." And Chip Taylor, our monarch butterfly(黑脉金斑蝶

) expert, he replied, "Nothing lasts forever. Everything in the universe wears out."

wide-eyed: If you describe someone as wide-eyed, you mean that they are inexperienced and innocent, and may be easily impressed. 天真的;不懂世故的


And that blew my mind. Because I realized that nature had invented reproduction as a mechanism for life to move forward, as a life force that passes right through us and makes us a link in the evolution of life. Rarelyseen by the naked eye, this intersectionbetween the animal world and the plant world is truly a magic moment. It's the mystical moment where life regenerates itself, over and over again.

blow one's mind: (informal) to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feeling. 使某人兴奋(或吃惊)

rarely: If something rarely happens, it does not happen very often. 难得地;少见地

the naked eye: the normal power of your eyes without the help of an instrument 肉眼

(The planet should be visible with / to the naked eye. 这颗行星肉眼就能看得见。)

intersection: An intersection is a place where roads or other lines meet or cross. 交点;道路交叉口;十字路口


So here is some nectarfrom my film. I hope you'll drink, tweetand plant some seeds to pollinatea friendly garden. And always take time to smell the flowers, and let it fill you with beauty, and rediscover that sense of wonder. Here are some images from the film.

nectar: A sweet liquid secreted by flowers of various plants, consumed by pollinators, such as hummingbirds and insects, and gathered by bees for making honey.


in ancient Greek and Roman stories, the drink of the gods (古希腊和罗马神话中)众神饮的酒;琼浆玉液

tweet: To utter a weak chirping sound. 发出啁啾声

pollinate: To transfer pollen from an anther to the stigma of (a flower). 传授花粉给…:从(一朵花)的花粉囊传到柱头






Thank you. Thank you very much.




Thank you.








