中国各地的庙会活动随处可见,尤以春节期间最为密集、最为繁华。中国网记者 郑亮 摄 庙会:中国年味最浓处 Temple Fair: A Taste of the Most Authentic Chinese New Year 关于中国人来说,一年之中最繁华的时节,非春节莫属。而这片繁华之中最繁华的所在,当属庙会。庙会是中国民间最常见的民俗文化活动,各地的庙会活动随处可见,尤以春节期间最为密集、最为繁华。 For the Chinese, the most exuberant moment in a year is none but the Spring Festival. In the jubilant mood surrounding the Spring Festival, however, the most attention-catching place is definitely the temple fair, which hosts the most common folk cultural events in China. Almost every part of China has its temple fairs. A large number of temple fairs take place during the Spring Festival holiday, and they are definitely the most exciting occasions. 北京龙潭庙会 中国网记者 郑亮 摄 “庙”是祭奠场所,“会”则是市集。“庙会”的来源与祭奠的传统有着千丝万缕的联络。但是关于普通大众来说,庙会两字之中“会”的意义更为重要。庙会上常常商贩云集,期间伴有曲艺杂耍表演、儿童游乐活动、各色小吃售卖。 "Temple" refers to the place of worship and "fair" means the market place. Thus, the origin of the temple fair is closely linked with the tradition of worship. For the vast majority of the ordinary people, however, temple fair is more about fair. The temple fair can always attract a large number of peddlers and street performers. It is also the occasion to try children amusement facilities and various kinds of snacks. 对爱繁华的人来说,庙会是一场浩荡的节日巡游。舞龙舞狮、踩高跷、划旱船、扭秧歌,这些中国民间最为传统的表演,却总能营造出最真实的节日氛围。部分庙会还有极具当地特征的表演,如北京地坛庙会上会有皇帝祭地的演出,北京大观园庙会会有红楼梦中著名角色元春回家探亲的表演。 For people who love to see something sensational, the temple fair is the right place to go. Like a grand holiday carnival, the temple fair is the place to watch dragon-lion dance, stilt-walking, land boat dancing, and Yangge dance. As the most traditional folk arts in China, these performances can always create the most authentic holiday circumstance. In some places, the temple fair is also the occasion to enjoy some local performances. For example, in Beijing, the Ditan Temple Fair and the Daguanyuan Temple fair respectively arranges the performances of Emperor Worshipping the Land and Yuanchun Visiting Her Original Family. Yuanchun is a famous character in the novel The Dream of the Red Chamber. 庙会上呈现的兔爷等传统玩具 中国网记者 郑亮 摄影 对小朋友来说,庙会又成了最为高兴的游乐场。抖空竹、走马灯、吹糖人、兔爷、套圈。传统的玩具、古典的文娱活动今天看来依旧兴味十足,连大人也能从中找到乐趣。人们会在高兴的氛围中卸下一切的心防,像孩童一样投入到天真欢乐的海洋。 Temple fair is also the playground for the kids, who can tirelessly try different things like diabolo, horse lantern, blowing sugar, Lord Rabbit, and quoits. These traditional toys and games still have their charms today, and even some adults cannot help playing them. In the exuberant mood, people can free themselves from all the constraints in life and enjoy some genuine happy moments as kids. 庙会上各色美食美不胜收 中国网记者 郑亮 摄 而对吃货来说,庙会更是美食的天堂。糖葫芦、炸灌肠、爆肚、豆面糕、驴打滚,各类特征小吃美不胜收。不论素日里是怎样苛刻地计算着食物里每一分的卡路里,只需置身庙会之中,都会忍不住想要大块朵颐。可能是在美食的烟火气之中、在嘴角的油腻之中,年的滋味得到了最大水平的升华。 For those who cannot resist the temptations of delicious food, temple fair is a must-go. Here, there are so many snacks you cannot miss: sugar-coated haws, fried sausage, fried cow stomach, soybean flour cake, and fried rice cake, etc. You may be extraordinarily strict with the calories you take from your daily food. But you will probably push all the concerns aside when visiting a temple fair. That is in part because you can have a full taste of the Chinese New Year from the cooking smoke and the flavors of foods on the temple fair. 过年对中国人来说是一件极具仪式感的事情,人们经过各种各样的方式,营造出一种专属于春节的氛围,繁华的锣鼓敲起来、火红的炮竹响起来、穿上新衣去逛庙会,这些代代相传的民俗构成了中国人记忆中的年味。在热繁华闹的庙会人流中,与一位位老老少少摩肩接踵,与一张张陌生却充溢喜悦的笑容擦肩而过,才完好了关于“中国年”的体验。 For the Chinese, Spring Festival comes with many rituals. People go to great length to create a holiday mood exclusively for the Spring Festival. They play drums and gongs, ignite red firecrackers, and visit temple fairs wearing brand-new clothes. All these customs have been passed down from one generation to the next, and they become the unchanged memories of the Chinese people about the Spring Festival. Temple fair always attracts so many exciting people. Here, you can encounter many of them, old and young, and share the happiness from their smiling faces. To have a full taste of the Chinese New Year, you must not miss the temple fair. |