安吉绿城春和锦庐售楼处电话:400-000-0460转5555 Anji Lvcheng Chunhe Jinlu Sales Office Tel: 400-000-0460 ext. 5555 安吉绿城春和锦庐营销中心售楼电话:400-000-0460转5555 Anji Green City Chunhe Jinlu Marketing Center Sales Tel: 400-000-0460 ext. 5555 安吉绿城春和锦庐开发商售楼电话:400-000-0460转5555 Anji Lvcheng Chunhe Jinlu Developer Sales Tel.: 400-000-0460 ext. 5555 当资源难以再生,稀贵决议价值。随着城市化进程的提速,每座城市的核芯区高密度的建筑鳞次栉比,寓居的温馨度也随之降低。低密度的洋房由此可遇而不可得,花园洋房已然成为稀缺藏品。 When resources are difficult to regenerate, scarcity determines value. With the acceleration of the urbanization process, the high-density buildings in the core area of each city are lined up, and the living comfort is also reduced. Low density western-style houses can be met but not obtained, and garden western-style houses have become scarce collections. 绿城首入安吉城心之作——绿城·安吉春和锦庐,东临凤凰山,西临递铺港,落址豪宅汇集的贵胄之地,以一座理想的花园洋房重新定义安吉人居封面。往常建筑面积约113方花园模范房已实景呈现,理想照进理想,一场艺术与生活的焕新之旅,至此开启。 The first green city to enter the heart of Anji City - Green City · Anji Spring and Jinlu, bordering Phoenix Mountain in the east and Dipu Port in the west, is located in the place where luxury houses gather, redefining the cover of Anji Habitat with an ideal garden house. Now, the garden model house with a building area of about 113 square meters has been presented in real life. The ideal is reflected in reality, and a new journey of art and life has begun. 林语堂说:“世界大同的理想,是住在花园洋房里”。每一个领略过洋房风华的人,心中都有抹不去的洋房情怀,它质感细腻,分发着慵懒的文雅,它珍藏四季的景色,也藏纳着人生的阅历。春和锦庐花园洋房,外拥递铺港水韵风姿,胸怀凤凰山青翠绵亘,揽山、接水、连城。作为低密度和低容积率的产品,6层亲地高度,是与自然的调和融合,不只得房率更高,寓居温馨度也更高,满足都市精英对美好生活的一切想象。 Lin Yutang said, "The ideal of world harmony is to live in a garden house.". Everyone who has experienced the elegant style of a western-style house has an indelible feeling of western-style house. It is exquisite in texture and emits languid elegance. It collects the scenery of the four seasons and the experience of life. Spring and Jinlu Garden houses are surrounded by the charm of the port water of Dipu, with the green Phoenix Mountain in mind, and the mountain, water and city are connected. As a product with low density and low floor area ratio, the 6-storey ground friendly height is a harmonious blend with nature. It not only has a higher room rate, but also has a higher living comfort, satisfying all the urban elites' imagination of a better life. 尤为值得一提的是,春和锦庐花园洋房一楼层高约3.15米,整体空间感更温馨。且一楼花园为罕有的实体围墙托付,营造出激烈的领地感与私密性。朝迎日出,暮迎晚霞,烹一盏茶,捧一本书,悠悠茶香伴着一卷翠意阅读,书外是自然绿意,书中是岁月绵亘。茶余饭后,听风赏露,行止坐卧闲得雅趣。 It is particularly worth mentioning that the first floor of Chunhe Jinlu Garden House is about 3.15 meters high, which makes the overall space more comfortable. The garden on the first floor is delivered as a rare physical wall, creating a strong sense of territory and privacy. Welcome the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening. Cook a cup of tea and hold a book. Read with the fragrance of tea and a volume of green. The book is natural and green, while the book is full of years. After dinner, listen to the wind and enjoy the dew, and stop sitting and lying leisurely. 春和锦庐建筑面积约113m花园房,为经典四叶草户型,对空间的应用是做到了极致。南北通透,全明大四房,四个卧室独立分明,每个空间互不干扰,满足三代同堂和二胎时期需求;餐客厨一体化宽厅,增强了空间的通透感,消融室内的过道空间,增加了空间的互动性;约7米双联阳台,将窗外园林化为家中景色,鲜氧、清风、阳光……肆意穿越于房间各个角落。 Chunhe Jinlu has a building area of about 113m The garden house is a classic four leaf house, which makes the best use of space. It is transparent from north to south. It has four bedrooms and four bedrooms, which are independent and distinct. Each space does not interfere with each other, meeting the needs of the era of three generations living together and two children; The dining, guest and kitchen integrated wide hall enhances the transparency of the space, dissolves the indoor aisle space, and increases the interactivity of the space; The 7-meter double balcony turns the garden outside the window into a home landscape, with fresh oxygen, fresh wind, sunshine... wandering around the room wantonly. 户型结构合理直接关系生活质量。春和锦庐规划为3+1房设计,灵动全能,空间功用可依据家庭寓居的需求自由改造。可作为儿童房,打造妙趣横生的儿童天地;可作为书房,搭建书香环绕的私人角落;也能够是客房+游戏室,随时和朋友来一场派对……给予每个家人专属的自由空间,让生活愈加贴心方便。且春和锦庐为毛坯托付,给予个性化生活以更多艺术留白。 The reasonable house structure is directly related to the quality of life. Chunhe Jinlu is planned to be 3+1 rooms, flexible and versatile. The space function can be freely transformed according to the needs of family living. It can be used as a children's room to create a fun children's world; It can be used as a study to build a private corner with lingering fragrance of books; It can also be a guest room+game room, where you can have a party with your friends at any time... Give each family a free space to make life more intimate and convenient. In addition, Chunhe Jinlu is delivered as a blank, giving personalized life more artistic space. 本户型为17幢1单元401室户型表示图,建筑面积仅供参考,最终以房屋产权测绘面积为准。相同户型因楼栋、楼层、单元、朝向等差别,部分结构、面积、部分阳台,露台,窗扇位置及大小等可能有所不同;本项目为毛坯托付,本户型图仅为装修及家居布置表示图,图中的装修、家具、电器等设备仅为表示参考,不能了解为托付规范及装修规范,本资料不作为要约和承诺,细致以政府部门最终审定的图纸和预(销)售合同为准。本资料发布时间:2022年6月22日,有效期3个月。本公司保存对本资料修正的权益,且不再另行通知。 This house type is the schematic diagram of Room 401, Unit 1, Building 17. The building area is for reference only, and the final area is subject to the mapping area of the house property right. The local structure, area, part of balconies, balconies and window sashes of the same house type may be different due to different buildings, floors, units and orientations; This project is a rough delivery. The house type drawing is only a schematic diagram of decoration and household layout. The decoration, furniture, electrical appliances and other equipment in the drawing are only schematic references, and cannot be understood as delivery standards and decoration standards. This document is not an offer and acceptance. The specific drawing and pre sale (sales) contract finally approved by the government department shall prevail. This document is issued on June 22, 2022, and is valid for 3 months. The Company reserves the right to modify this material without further notice. 作为绿城top级“春天系作品”,春和锦庐的质量历来都做到极致,关于建筑美学的追求亦早已融入绿城华贵的基因里。春和锦庐建筑立面吸取艺术家村上隆“Super Flat”超扁平作风灵感,采用“无界镜面”的玻璃美学设计,强调横向大气面宽的建筑骨骼,时兴灵动,巨幕视野风光无限。 As the top "Spring Works" of the Green City, the quality of Spring and Jinlu has always been the best, and the pursuit of architectural aesthetics has long been integrated into the luxury of the Green City. The architectural facade of Chunhe Jinlu draws inspiration from the super flat style of artist Murakami Shanglong, adopts the glass aesthetic design of "boundless mirror", emphasizes the architectural skeleton with wide horizontal atmosphere, which is fashionable and flexible, and has unlimited view of the giant screen. 极简,与奢华和经典划上等号,是文雅的最高表示。Bezel-less超纤细边框设计,缩窄建筑外框,弱化影响室内外视觉观感的窗户边框,完成更大的窗地比,使得室内采光、景观视觉更大化。玻璃立面+铝板金属线条,尽显轻盈、通透之美,也表示出一种愈加现代、简约的极简地道之感。 Minimalism, equal to luxury and classic, is the highest embodiment of elegance. Bezel less ultra slim frame design narrows the outer frame of the building, weakens the window frame that affects the indoor and outdoor visual perception, realizes a larger window to ground ratio, and makes indoor lighting and landscape vision greater. The glass facade+aluminum metal lines show the beauty of lightness and transparency, and also reflect a more modern, simple and pure feeling. 永世的经典从不因时间而褪色。春和锦庐建筑立面吸取了阿玛尼“51°灰”颜色。这种“高级灰”质感,与大面积玻璃的圆满分离,与自然融为一体,彰显洁净利落的艺术作风,完成美学与功用的圆满兼得,折射出一个时期的光辉与文雅,并在时间流逝中,坚持经久恒定的美丽。 Eternal classics never fade with time. The building facade of Chunhe Jinlu draws on the "51 ° grey" color of Armani. This "advanced gray" texture, perfectly combined with large area of glass, integrates with nature, demonstrates a clean artistic style, realizes the perfect combination of aesthetics and functions, reflects the light and elegance of an era, and maintains a lasting beauty in the passage of time. 好的居所不只是一砖一瓦的冰冷构建,更包含了阳光、绿荫、建筑、生活的深度共鸣。 A good residence is not only a cold construction of bricks and tiles, but also a deep resonance of sunshine, shade, architecture and life. 绿城·春和锦庐,读懂土地的深情,安吉人的岁月情感,于城市臻贵地脉心上,荟萃商业、教育、医疗、文体等生活配套所需,在城市繁华与自然舒居中寻求均衡点,营造足以抵御岁月的时光著作,敬献安吉层峰人士。 The Green City, Spring and Jinlu, understand the deep feelings of the land and the time feelings of the people in Anji, gather the needs of business, education, medical care, sports and other life supporting facilities in the heart of the city, seek a balance between the urban prosperity and natural comfort, create time works that can withstand the years, and present to the people in Anji. 绿城·春和锦庐建筑面积约113㎡花园模范房和7号楼外立面已冷傲亮相,恭君雅鉴! Green City · Chunhe Jinlu, with a building area of about 113 ㎡, has made an amazing appearance in the garden model house and the facade of Building 7. Congratulations! 免责声明: Disclaimer: 本资料为要约约请,不构成合同要约,买卖双方的权益义务最终以双方签署的《商品房买卖合同》及附件等协议为准。本宣传资料中对项目周边环境、交通、教育、商业及其他配套设备的引见,旨在提供相关信息,并不意味本公司对此做出承诺,相关内容不扫除因政府规划及开发商未能控制的缘由而发作变更,本公司保存对宣传资料修正的权益,敬请留意最新资料,法律规则范围内,安吉亚太置业有限公司享有解释权。“绿城·春和锦庐 ”为本案推行名,存案名为“春和苑”。开发商:安吉亚太置业有限公司,管理商:浙江绿城佳园树立工程管理有限公司 。本资料发布时间:2022年06月,有效期3个月。本公司保存对本资料修正的权益,且不再另行通知。 This information is an invitation to offer and does not constitute a contract offer. The rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller shall be subject to the Commercial Housing Sales Contract and annexes signed by both parties. The introduction of the surrounding environment, transportation, education, commerce and other supporting facilities of the project in this publicity material is intended to provide relevant information, which does not mean that the company makes a commitment to it. The relevant content does not exclude changes due to reasons beyond the control of the government planning and developers. The company reserves the right to modify the publicity materials. Please pay attention to the latest materials, Angel Asia Pacific Real Estate Co., Ltd. has the right of interpretation. "Green City · Chunhe Jinlu" is the promotion name of this case, and the record name is "Chunhe Garden". Developer: Anji Asia Pacific Real Estate Co., Ltd. Manager: Zhejiang Green City Jiayuan Construction Engineering Management Co., Ltd. This document was issued in June 2022 and is valid for 3 months. The Company reserves the right to modify this material without further notice. 预售证号:安售许字2022第ZJ00038号 Pre sale certificate No.: ANSXZ 2022 No. ZJ00038 安吉绿城春和锦庐售楼处电话:400-000-0460转5555 Anji Lvcheng Chunhe Jinlu Sales Office Tel: 400-000-0460 ext. 5555 ☆疫情期间,请留意防护,带好口罩! ☆ During the epidemic, please pay attention to protection and wear a mask! ☆封控区或者无法实地看房客户,可线上看房!深居简出即可看房! ☆ Customers who can not see the house in the closed control area or in the field can see the house online! You can see the house without leaving home! ☆提早1小时以上预定来访享VIP专属折扣! ☆ VIP exclusive discount for booking visit more than 1 hour in advance! ☆另有疫情购房补贴、家电大礼包、欢乐抽奖等预定客户专属福利 ☆ In addition, there are special benefits for customers who make appointments, such as subsidies for purchasing houses due to epidemic diseases, gift packages for home appliances, and happy lottery |