▲ 说起英国人圣诞节的保存曲目,那一定是一家人围在一同收看女王的致辞,女王圣诞讲话的官方称号是“女王殿下最仁慈的演讲”(Her Majesty’s Most Gracious Speech)。这一传统从1952年开端,至今曾经持续了65年。 去年的圣诞节,女王以Inspiration为主题,号召大家一同为世界的愈加美好而一同努力: 'Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.' “爱”之小事也能够燎原。 今年,女王强调了家(Home)这一概念: We think of our homes as places of warmth, familiarity and love - of shared stories and memories. 我们把家看做暖和、亲情与爱所凝聚的中央,看做保存共同的阅历与回想的中央。 她提到了发作在伦敦和曼彻斯特的恐惧攻击,对冒着生命风险的救援人员传达了感激,伤者们的勇气和坚韧鼓舞着我们。她提到了70年来陪伴自己的菲利普亲王,以及行将迎来的皇室家庭新成员,言语中流露着暖和。 女王的桌上摆了夏洛特小公主、乔治小王子的照片,女王和菲利普亲王的结婚照,以及70周年“铂金婚”官方照片...向大家传达祝福的同时也不忘小小秀一把恩爱。 一同来感受女王的圣诞祝福吧~ 视频来源自@英国普罗派乐卫视 The Queen's Christmas message for 2017 Sixty years ago today, a young woman spoke about the speed of technological change as she presented the first television broadcast of its kind. She described the moment as a landmark: 六十年的今天,一位年轻的女士(女王诙谐地说她自己),第一次经过电视,广播了她的讲话。她谈到了科技进化的速度,并把那个时辰称做是里程碑。 Television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes on Christmas Day. My own family often gather round to watch television, as they are at this moment. And that is how I imagine you now. 电视的呈现,让大家过圣诞节的时分,坐在家里也能看到我。我的家里人也经常围坐在一同看电视,好比往常。我想,你们往常也是。 Six decades on, the presenter has evolved somewhat, as has the technology she described. Back then, who could have imagined that people would one day be watching this on laptops and mobile phones, as some of you are today? 六十年过去了,当年的经过电视广播演讲的女士自己,如她所描画的科技一样,也多少长大了一些。回到那个时分,谁能想到,你们今天会经过电脑或手机来观看我的圣诞演讲呢? But I'm also struck by something that hasn't changed - that whatever the technology, many of you will be watching this at home. 但是,我也被那些不曾改动的东西所触动,好比,无论科技怎样进化,你们大多数人都会在家观看我的演讲。 We think of our homes as places of warmth, familiarity and love - of shared stories and memories - which is perhaps why, at this time of year, so many return to where they grew up. There is a timeless simplicity to the pull of home. For many, the idea of home reaches beyond a physical building, to a home town or city. 我们的家,充溢了我们共同的故事和回想,暖和、熟习、以及爱。这也是为什么,每年这个时辰,我们都回到自己长大的中央。对我们来说,“家”,超越了城市里看得见、摸得着的房子,家对我们的吸收,简简单单,超越了时间。 This Christmas, I think of London and Manchester, whose powerful identities shone through over the past 12 months, in the face of appalling attacks. In Manchester, those targeted included children who had gone to see their favourite singer. A few days after the bombing, I had the privilege of meeting some of the young survivors and their parents. 这个圣诞节,我特别对伦敦和曼彻斯特予以特别情感,由于它们在对立恐袭中,展示出它们独有的性格,它们的个性让这两个城市在过去十二月烁烁放光。在曼彻斯特,恐袭的对象,以至包含了一些孩子,他们只是去看看他们最喜欢的歌手。炸弹攻击几天后,我有幸去探望了一些年轻的幸存者和他们的父母。 I described that hospital visit as a privilege because the patients I met were an example to us all, showing extraordinary bravery and resilience. Indeed, many of those who survived the attack came together just days later for a benefit concert. It was a powerful reclaiming of the ground and of the city those young people call home. 我十分“有幸地”中止了那次医院的探望。我所见到的受害者们可谓我们一切人的楷模,他们表示出超乎寻常的勇气和坚韧。事实上,炸弹攻击短短几天后,很多从攻击中幸存的人们重聚在公益演唱会上。这是那些年轻人称作“家”的土地和城市的强有力的声明。 We expect our homes to be a place of safety - sanctuary, even - which makes it all the more shocking when the comfort they provide is shattered. A few weeks ago, the Prince of Wales visited the Caribbean in the aftermath of hurricanes that destroyed entire communities. 我们希冀家是一个保险的中央,以至是一个“避难所”。所以当家所能提供的温馨被粉碎的时分我们会如此震惊。几周前,威尔士王子在飓风的余威中探望了被飓风严重摧毁的加勒比地域。 And here, in London, who can forget the sheer awfulness of the Grenfell Tower fire?Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who died and those who lost so much, and we are indebted to members of the emergency services who risked their own lives this past year, saving others. Many of them, of course, will not be at home today, because they are working to protect us. 同样我所在的伦敦,谁又能遗忘格兰菲尔塔大火的可怕无情。我们为那些失去生命和失去挚爱的人祈祷,我们也忘不了那些在过去一年,苟且偷生,奔赴风险,解救他人生命的救险队员们。 他们中的很多人,即便在往常,也不能和家人一同,由于他们需求工作在第一线,维护我们的保险。 Reflecting on these events makes me grateful for the blessings of home and family and, in particular, for 70 years of marriage. I don't know that anyone had invented the term 'platinum' for a 70th wedding anniversary. When I was born, you weren't expected to be around that long. 回想起过去的一幕幕,我对家和家人给我的庇佑也心胸感恩,特别,是我长达七十年的婚姻。我不知道是谁发明了“七十年铂金婚”这个说法。当我出生的时分,大约没人想到人能够活那么长。 Even Prince Philip has decided it's time to slow down a little, having, as he economically put it, done his bit. But I know his support and unique sense of humour will remain as strong as ever as we enjoy spending time this Christmas with our family, and look forward to welcoming new members into it next year. 即便是菲利普亲王,他今年也决议慢下来,就像他谦逊地说的那样,他曾经完成了他该做的。但我分明,他对我的支持,以及他共同的诙谐感,将如以往一样,成为我们家圣诞节高兴的一幕,我们带着高兴地期盼,欢送新的家庭成员,在明年参与到我们这个家庭。 In 2018, I will open my home to a different type of family, the leaders of the 52 nations of the Commonwealth, as they gather in the UK for a summit. 2018年,我将敞开家门,欢送一个共同大家庭的到来:他们是英联邦52个国度的指导人,他们集聚在英国,参与英联邦峰会。 The Commonwealth has an inspiring way of bringing people together, be it through the Commonwealth Games, which begin in a few months' time on Australia's Gold Coast, or through bodies like the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and Choir - a reminder of how truly vibrant this international family is. 英联邦有一种鼓舞人心的方式将人们汇集在一同。几个月后将在澳大利亚的黄金海岸举行的英联邦运动会,或是英联邦青年管弦乐团和合唱团的演出,这些活动提示我们,英联邦这个国际大家庭多么充溢生机。 Today we celebrate Christmas, which itself is sometimes described as a festival of the home. Families travel long distances to be together. Volunteers and charities, as well as many churches, arrange meals for the homeless and those who would otherwise be alone on Christmas Day. We remember the birth of Jesus Christ whose only sanctuary was a stable in Bethlehem. He knew rejection, hardship and persecution; and yet it is Jesus Christ’s generous love and example which has inspired me through good times and bad. 今天我们庆祝圣诞节,圣诞节也被称作“家的节日”,家人们长途跋涉聚在一同。意愿者,慈悲机构和很多教堂为那些无家可归的人和单独渡过圣诞节的人准备了食物。我们知道耶稣基督降生在伯乐恒的马厩里。他阅历了拒绝,艰难和优待,但耶稣基督的大爱和模范鼓舞着我渡过顺境和逆境。 Whatever your own experience is this year, wherever and however you are watching, I wish you a peaceful and very happy Christmas. 无论你今年阅历了什么,无论你在哪里,以何种方式观看我的圣诞讲话,祝你具有一个保险高兴的圣诞节。 也祝女王身体健康啦~ 内容整理自网络 羡慕他人的地道发音 你也能够有~ 预定雅思新题发布会 现场领取《CCI雅思锻炼体系》口语篇! 戳图了解更多 2018寒假集训营课程热卖中! |