作者:侯苏桐 指导教员:梁艳 大家好,我的中文名字叫侯苏桐,我的英文名字叫Jasmine。我今年12岁。我喜欢看书和弹古筝。当我长大后,我想成为一名牙医。由于往常人们牙齿的健康状况十分令人担忧。我也喜欢关注国内外的新闻,看新闻是我放松的好措施。希望在以后的学习生活中和大家成为好朋友。共同努力,成为更好的自己。谢谢! Hello, everyone. My Chinese name is Hou Sutong. My English name is Jasmine. I'm 12 years old. I like reading and playing the guzheng. When I grow up, I want to be a dentist. Because the health of people's teeth is very worrying now. I also like to pay attention to the news in our country and abroad. Watching the news is a good way for me to relax. I hope to become good friends with you in my future study life. Let’s work together, and become better versions of ourselves. Thank you. 作者:纪奕阳 指导教员:梁艳 大家好,我是纪奕阳。我的英文名字是Hazel。我平常喜欢弹钢琴,听英文故事,还喜欢读书。我最喜欢的书是《奥林匹斯英雄》和《沙丘》。我还是个“吃货”,我喜欢中国的一切美食。 我有很多幻想。我想去剑桥大学学习。另外,我还想去法国,一是能够学习法语,同时法国有诸如埃菲尔铁塔和卢浮宫这种著名的景点能够参观。希腊也是个很好的选择,能够去雅典感受希腊文化。我还有一个幻想,就是成为一名外交官。我会英勇空中对其他国度,并让他们知道中国是多么高尚和强大。 这就是我的自我引见,你们喜欢和我做朋友吗? Hello, everyone. My name is Ji Yiyang. My English name is Hazel. I always enjoy playing the piano and listening to English. I also like reading. My favorite books are Heroes of Olympus and Dune. I’m a foodie, so I like all the food in China. I have dreams of my own. I want to go to Cambridge and study there one day. And I also want to go to France and learn French. Also there are very nice places to visit, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Greece is a good choice. Athens is a very good place to learn Greek culture.My another dream is to become a diplomat. I want to stand up to the other countries and tell them how noble and powerful China is. That’s all about me, what about you? Do you like to be friends with me? |