「第147期 | 2023年1月9-15日」 项目动态 Projects' New 01|华特迪士尼公司筹备100周年庆祝活动 华特迪士尼公司的“巧妙100年”百年庆祝系列活动目前在悉心筹备中。作为迪士尼100周年庆的一部分,集团将官宣全新称号、游戏、以及与乐高、阿迪达斯、蔻驰、纪梵希等知名品牌协作系列产品。 01|The Walt Disney Co. to celebrate its 100th anniversary Disney 100 Years of Wonder of The Walt Disney Co. is currently in the works. As part of Disney's 100th anniversary celebrations, the group will officially unveil new names, games and collections with well-known brands such as LEGO, Adidas, Coach and Givenchy. 02|韩国新建城市健康度假村 Therme Group宣布计划在韩国仁川自由经济区内树立一个价值2亿美圆的城市健康度假村,每年可接待超越100万人,估量需求两到三年竣工时间。 Therme宣称该度假村将反映韩国共同的历史和文化。竣工后,该度假村将吸收游客前往仁川,辅佐推进该地域的经济展开,并促进人民的健康和福祉。 02|New urban health resort in South Korea Therme Group has announced plans to build a $200 million urban wellness resort within the Incheon Free Economic Zone in South Korea, which will be able to accommodate more than 1 million people per year and is expected to take two to three years to complete. Therme claims the resort will reflect South Korea's unique history and culture. Once completed, the resort will attract tourists to Incheon, boosting the region's economy and promote the health and well-being of its people. 03|环球官宣全新主题乐园计划 环球主题乐园及度假村披露了将在德州树立全新的面向家庭的主题乐园的计划。乐园效果图中有中心湖,或将提供游船设备、具有300间客房的主题度假酒店、角色见面合影体验、表演及多种餐饮选择。此外,环球计划在拉斯维加斯AREA15左近,树立全新的、全年运营的恐惧主题乐园,作为AREA15占地20英亩扩建计划的一部分。 03|Universal has announced plans for new theme parks Universal Parks & Resorts unveiled plans to build a new family-friendly theme park in Texas. Renderings of the park include a central lake and will likely offer boat facilities, a 300-room themed resort hotel, character photo opportunities, performances and a variety of dining options. In addition, Universal plans to build a new year-round horror theme park near AREA15 in Las Vegas as part of a planned 20-acre expansion of AREA15. 04|英国格列佛世界主题乐园扩建项目取得停顿 当地规划理事会(Council planning)担任人近期批准了英国格列佛世界主题乐园(Gulliver’s World Theme Park)的扩建计划及改进项目。作为审批的一部分,乐园将新建一块设有可供过夜旅馆及木屋的全新园区。 04|Progress has been made on the expansion of Gulliver's World Theme Park in the UK Council planning recently approved plans to expand and improve Gulliver's World Theme Park in England. As part of the approval, the park will build a new campus with overnight hotels and cabins. 批发品牌 Brands' News 01|MUJI在中国暂无涨价计划 近日有音讯人士称MUJI无印良品将于今年进步部分产品价钱,平均涨价幅度为25%,主要受原资料价钱上涨和日元加速贬值等要素影响。随后MUJI无印良品中国担任人回应称,涨价将只在日本发作,中国业务暂无相关通知。 01|MUJI has no plans to raise prices in China MUJI will raise prices of some of its products by an average of 25% this year due to rising raw material prices and the accelerating depreciation of the yen, sources said. The head of MUJI in China responded that the price increase would only take place in Japan and that there was no notification in Chinese business. 02|瑞幸咖啡或进军新加坡 近日,JobStreet、GrabJob和MyCareersFuture等东南亚招聘网站上呈现瑞幸咖啡正在招新加坡的门店经理及其他岗位的信息。媒体猜测,瑞幸咖啡将在新加坡开店。 02|Luckin Coffee may enter Singapore Luckin is looking for store managers and other positions in Singapore, according to recruitment websites in Southeast Asia such as JobStreet, GrabJob and MyCareersFuture. Media speculation is that Luckin Coffee will set up stores in Singapore. 03|雅诗兰黛、Dior等多个美妆品牌将涨价 据悉,雅诗兰黛、Gucci、Dior、娇兰和倩碧等多个国际美妆品牌计划在今年1月底涨价,全线涨幅估量在5%至10%,香水等品类提价幅度更大。受通胀引发的全球原资料和运输成本激增影响,仅雅诗兰黛集团在去年就中止了两次价钱上调。 03|Estee Lauder, Dior and many other beauty brands will raise prices International beauty brands such as Estee Lauder, Gucci, Dior, Guerlain and Clinique are planning to raise prices by the end of January, with the overall price increase expected to be 5% to 10%, and the price increase for perfume and other categories will be larger. Estee Lauder's Group alone has raised prices twice in the past year amid an inflation-driven surge in raw materials and transportation costs around the world. 04|LVMH将在新加坡举行疫后首个线下钟表周活动 全球最大朴素品集团LVMH已于1月10日至12日在新加坡举行第四届LVMH钟表周,这是自2020年1月举行首届以来,LVMH首个线下钟表周。据瑞士钟表业分离会的最新讲演,全球高端腕表的销售仍主要由亚洲的年轻消费者推进,而新加坡素有“亚洲瑞士”之称。 04|LVMH to hold the first physical watch Week in Singapore after the epidemic LVMH, the world's largest luxury goods group, has held its fourth LVMH Watch Week in Singapore from 10-12 January, its first physical watch week since the inaugural event in January 2020. Global sales of high-end watches are still largely driven by young consumers in Asia, and Singapore is known as the “Switzerland of Asia”, according to a new report from the Federation of the Swiss Watch Trade. 05|Versace加速规划中国市场 Versace日前分别在成都SKP、成都银泰中心in99、杭州湖滨银泰in77、深圳万象城和南京德基广场连开五家新店。据悉,五大全新精品店皆承袭Versace一向的奢华作风与经典内蕴,充沛展示品牌调性,彰显奢华理念。店内也将出卖品牌男女成衣、包袋、鞋履、配饰和家居用品等全系产品。 05|Versace is accelerating its presence in Chinese market Versace recently opened 5 new stores in Chengdu SKP, Chengdu Yintai Centre in99, Hangzhou Hubin Intime in77, Shenzhen MIXC and Nanjing Deji Plaza. It is reported that the 5 new boutiques all inherit the luxury style and classic connotation of Versace, fully highlighting the concept of luxury. Full ranges of men's and women's ready-to-wear, bags, shoes, accessories and household items are available in the store. 行业资讯 Industrial New 01|世界批发大会将于4月底在巴塞罗那举行 日前,活动组织商、贸易出版家族企业 William Reed 从戛纳国际创意节(Cannes Lions)、趋向预测效劳提供商 WGSN 的母公司 Ascential 手中收购了批发业界最富盛名的“世界批发大会(简称WRC)”。 世界批发大会是批发业界最富盛名的大会,也是世界范围内级别最高的批发业会议,被参会代表和国际媒体誉为“批发业的达沃斯”。今年的主题为“特殊时期的批发指导力”。目前,参与企业包含 Primark、The Body Shop、Kids Against Plastic、宜家、Mango、Allbirds 等。 01|World Retail Congress to be held in Barcelona at the end of April William Reed, the events organiser and trade publishing family business, has acquired the retail industry's most famous World Retail Congress from Ascential, the parent company of the Cannes Lions festival and trend forecasting service WGSN. World Retail Congress is the most prestigious conference in the retail industry, as well as the highest level retail conference in the world. It is known as the “Davos of the retail industry” by participants and international media. This year's theme is “Retail Leadership in Extraordinary Times.” Currently, participating companies include Primark, The Body Shop, Kids Against Plastic, Ikea, Mango, Allbirds and others. 02|Chanel成去年最生动朴素品牌微信公众号 据i排版发布的统计讲演,FENDI、Prada、HERMES、香奈儿、路易威登和Burberry 6个微信效劳号中,2022年群发文章数最多的是Chanel,共72篇,群发文章数最少的是路易威登,共35篇。排名第二的路易威登固然总文章数最少,但头条平均阅读量最高,每篇图文阅读量均超越10万。 02|Chanel was the most active luxury brand in WeChat official account last year According to a statistical report released by Itypox, among the 6 WeChat service accounts of FENDI, Prada, HERMES, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Burberry, Chanel had the most mass posts in 2022 with 72, while Louis Vuitton had the least with 35. Louis Vuitton although had the least articles, but the average reading volume of headlines is the highest, each article text reading volume are more than 100000. 03|巴克莱银行称中国朴素品消费复苏将比预期更快 据巴克莱银行的最新讲演,中国朴素品行业的复苏速度可能快于预期,2023年将录得15%的增长,超越全球朴素品市场9%的增速。讲演续指,中国消费者对朴素品的需求依旧强劲,特别是具有保值性的产品,旗下具有多个朴素珠宝腕表品牌的历峰集团有望成为最大赢家。 03|Barclays says luxury consumption in China will recover faster than expected According to a new report by Barclays Bank, China's luxury sector may recover faster than expected, recording 15% growth in 2023, outpacing the global luxury market's 9% growth. The report added that Chinese consumers’ demand for luxury goods, especially those that retain value, remains strong, with Richemont, which owns several luxury jewelry and watch brands, expected to be the biggest winner. 04|主题乐园市场市值在2032年将抵达约1.7万亿美圆 近日,依据市场研讨公司Future Market Insights的最新报道,主题乐园旅游市场的估值有望在2022年抵达491亿美圆。估量销售额将以13%的复合年增长率增长,市场范围将抵达2032年将抵达1.6667万亿美圆。 同时该报道也指出市场关键点:与盛行文化相关的主题有助于吸收更多消费者选择主题乐园;大部分需求是由国内游客推进的;门票和商品销售依旧是主要的收入来源。 04|The theme park market will be worth about $1.7 trillion by 2032 The theme park market is expected to be valued at $49.1 billion by 2022, according to a new report from market research firm Future Market Insights. Sales are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 13% and the market size will reach $1.6667 trillion by 2032. The report also pointed out key market points: themes related to pop culture help attract more consumers; Most of demand is driven by domestic tourists; Ticket and merchandise sales remain the main source of revenue。 05|中东有望成为今年增长最快的朴素品市场之一 巴克莱剖析师日前表示,随着全球旅游的复苏,以及利雅得高端购物中心的开业,卡塔尔和迪拜将迎来一大波国际游客,中东有望成为2023年增长最快的朴素品市场之一,全球最大朴素品集团LVMH以及卡地亚母公司历峰集团最有可能从中受益。 05|The Middle East is expected to be one of the fastest growing luxury markets in 2023 The Middle East is expected to be one of the fastest growing luxury markets in 2023, with the world's largest luxury goods group LVMH and Cartier parent Richemont most likely to benefit from a global tourism recovery and the opening of high-end shopping malls in Riyadh that will usher in a wave of international visitors to Qatar and Dubai, Barclays analysts said. 06|梅西百货估量季度销售额低于预期 美国著名连锁百货公司梅西百货于1月6日表示,由于本季度购物停滞期过长,其估量第四季度的销售额将低于公司预期。梅西百货还正告称,2023年上半年的消费者支出仍将面临压力。这家百货公司的股票在盘后买卖中下跌4.2%,而其竞争对手Nordstrom Inc和Kohl's Corp's的股价也下跌了2%以上。 06|Macy's forecast weaker-than-expected Q4 sales Macy's, the popular US department store chain, said on 6 January that it expected Q4 sales to be lower than it had expected because of a prolonged shopping lull in the current quarter. Macy's also warned that consumer spending will remain under pressure in H1 of 2023. The department store's stock fell 4.2% in after-hours trading, while shares of rivals Nordstrom Inc and Kohl's Corp fell more than 2%. 投融资 Investment and Financing 01|强生旗下消费健康业务将独立上市 快消巨头强生集团近日提交了将其消费者健康业务Kenvue申请作为一家独立公司上市的计划,股票代码为“KVUE”,上市完成后,强生将继续持有公司至少80.1%的股份表决权,高盛和摩根大通为此次发行承销商。 01|J&J's consumer-health business will be listed separately Fast-moving consumer goods giant J&J recently filed plans to take its consumer health business Kenvue public as a separate company under the ticker symbol“KVUE”. After the offering, J&J will continue to own at least 80.1% of the voting rights in the company, with Goldman Sachs and jpmorgan Chase as underwriters. 02|Gucci母公司开创人收购百年香槟品牌 Gucci母公司开云集团开创人Franois Pinault日行进一步收购法国百年香槟品牌Jacquesson全部股权,细致买卖金额尚未透露。本次买卖完成后,Franois Pinault成为该品牌的独一股东。Jacquesson由Memmie Jacquesson创建于1798年,曾被誉为是拿破仑最爱的香槟酒。 2、Founder of Gucci's parent company buys century-old champagne brand Francois Pinault, founder of Gucci's parent Kering Group, has taken a further full stake in century-old French champagne house Jacquesson for an undisclosed sum. After the deal, Francois Pinault will become the sole shareholder of the brand. Jacquesson was created by Memmie Jacquesson in 1798 and was once known as Napoleon's favorite champagne. END 近 期热文 2022那些冲勺嫦妊的特征项目 2023年购物中心热点营销日历 2022年商业地产十大关键词 清点2022最会“玩”的购物中心营销活动 |