2023年1月22日,第18届HRD国际珠宝设计大赛颁奖盛典在世界时兴艺术之都——意大利佛罗伦萨胜利举行,“文艺复兴教父”美第奇家族的掌门人洛伦佐·德·美第奇王子(Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici)受邀在此颁奖盛典上为获奖者颁奖。 On 22 January 2023, the 18th HRD International Jewelry Design Awards was held in Florence, Italy, the world capital of fashion and art. Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici, head of the Medici family, was invited to host the awards ceremony. 同时,洛伦佐王子也在盛典上发布了美第奇家族藏品“猎户座·美第奇之星” (Orion – Star of Medici)的设计。 Prince Lorenzo also unveiled “Orion – Star of Medici”, a piece from the Medici family collection. 为留念美第奇家族对现代科学先贤伽利略·伽利雷在天体研讨范畴的支持,该设计以这颗重达186.35克拉、曾位列世界第四大的星光蓝宝石为主体,衬以创新性的动物形象,代表美第奇推进人文艺术复兴的肉体,而将其环绕的鸢尾花则表白:每一个时期的艺术作品都是对自由和永世既脆弱又坚韧的追求。 In honour of the Medici family’s patronage of the modern scientific sage, Galileo Galilei, this design features a 186.35 carat star sapphire, once the fourth largest in the world, set together with an innovative animal figure representing the spirit of the Medici drive that spurred a renaissance in the arts and humanities. The encircling iris is an expression of the fragility and resilience of the quest for freedom and eternity embodied in mankind’s artistic endeavors. 这一设计不只反映艺术在岁月中被镌刻的痕迹,也留念了艺术关于人类的实质的提示,并传送了对世人的晓喻——艺术需求不时的重生。 The design not only reflects the impression art has left on mankind’s history, but also commemorates what art reveals about the nature of humanity – art is in constant need of rebirth. HRD国际珠宝设计大赛作为珠宝设计界的“奥斯卡”, 不时可谓举世注目,此次盛典也同样吸收了来自全球的众多才气横溢的设计师。同时,各国政要名流、商界精英以及来自Bvlgari(宝格丽)、Damiani(玳美雅)、Galeries Lafayette(老佛爷百货)等一众世界知名品牌的著名设计师、设计总监、担任人等时兴界人士均受邀列席。获奖设计师用珠宝首饰为在场嘉宾带来了一场视觉上的饕餮盛宴。 As the ‘Oscars’ of jewelry design, the HRD International Jewelry Design Competition has always attracted international attention as well as many talented designers from around the world. In attendance were dignitaries, business elites, famous designers, design directors, and directors from the world’s leading brands such as Bvlgari, Damiani and Galeries Lafayette. The award-winning designers treated the guests to a visual feast of jewels. 在盛典的压轴晚宴上,洛伦佐王子发布了其与知名品牌劳德珠宝(LORDSPEK)共同创建的MEDICI JEWELRY,其旗下高端品牌MEDICI FINE JEWELRY的部分典藏珠宝首饰也于晚宴现场展出。 At the gala finale, Prince Lorenzo launched MEDICI JEWELRY, which he founded together with LORDSPEK. A selection of jewelry from the MEDICI FINE JEWELRY collection was also on display. 而MEDICI JEWELRY(美第奇珠宝)旗下的时兴品牌MEDICI FASHION JEWELRY也将陆续推出极具艺术感的时兴首饰,将美第奇对艺术的珠宝理念融入首饰设计中,让珠宝艺术所呈现的美走进大众生活,让美第奇家族的艺术及文化理念影响新的一代。 MEDICI FASHION JEWELRY, MEDICI JEWELRY’s fashion brand, will soon be launched. MEDICI FASHION JEWELRY incorporates the Medici family’s artistic concepts into jewelry design, bringing the beauty of jewelry art and the Medici artistic and cultural philosophy to both the public and future generations. 洛伦佐王子希望经过美第奇珠宝,为时兴界提供极具当代艺术感的特征珠宝首饰,同时也为艺术家提供全新的展示空间,让每一位珠宝喜好者都能体验到美第奇带来的珠宝时兴的魅力所在。 With MEDICI JEWELRY, Prince Lorenzo hopes to offer the fashion world a contemporary, distinctive line of jewelry as well as a new platform for artistic expression. It is Medici’s wish that all jewelry lovers can experience the enchanting beauty of jewelry art. |