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中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

2023-2-27 13:36| 发布者: 夏梦飞雨| 查看: 94| 评论: 0

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简介:「第145期 | 2022年12月19-25日」项目动态Projects' New01|中东最大朴素品百货公司Printemps Doha正式开业近日,法国春天百货(Printemps)在卡塔尔首都开设了中东最大的朴素品百货公司Printemps Doha,占空中积超越 ...

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

「第145期 | 2022年12月19-25日」


Projects' New

01|中东最大朴素品百货公司Printemps Doha正式开业

近日,法国春天百货(Printemps)在卡塔尔首都开设了中东最大的朴素品百货公司Printemps Doha,占空中积超越4万平方米,是春天百货集团第二大分店,仅次于巴黎奥斯曼大道旗舰店。据悉,该商场入驻品牌高达600个,其中200个是春天百货独家品牌。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

01|Middle East's largest luxury department Printemps Doha opened

French department store Printemps recently opened Printemps Doha, the largest luxury department store in the Middle East, in the Qatar’s capital. It covers an area of over 40,000 square meters and is the second largest branch of Printemps Group, after the flagship store on Boulevard Haussmann in Paris. There are up to 600 brands in the store, 200 of which are exclusive to Printemps.




中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

02|Sydney Airport unveil Australia’s first department store concept for terminals

Heinemann, the world's fifth largest retailer of duty-free goods, has entered into a new partnership with Sydney Airport to open Australia's first terminal department store in July 2023 for five years.

The concept spans more than 2,270 square meters across both terminals – 1,765 square metres in T2 and 506 square metres in T3 – and will offer a full suite of fashion, accessories, watches, jewellery, perfumes, cosmetics, skincare, and wines.

03|日本环球影城“No Limit”花车巡游回归

日本环球影城的“No Limit”花车巡游在中缀两年半后,将于2023年3月1日重磅回归。此次花车巡游将以跨时期的经典动画角色为主角,其中包含宝可梦、马里奥、史努比系列、Hello Kitty、小黄人、芝麻街、以及电影《欢乐好声音》的角色形象。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

03|Universal Studios Japan's “No Limit” float parade returns

Universal Studios Japan's “No Limit” float parade will return on 1 March 2023, after a two-and-a-half year hiatus. The float will feature iconic animated characters from across the ages, including Pokemon, Mario, the Snoopy series, Hello Kitty, Minions, Sesame Street, and the movie Sing.



中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

04|Adora Cruises cooperated with CDF to build duty free shopping centre

Recently, Adora Cruises officially announced the strategic cooperation with CDF. The two sides will cooperate to build a duty-free shopping center of nearly 2000 square meters on Adora Cruises. The introduction of high-end and popular Chinese brands and creative arts will provide Chinese guests with brand new shopping experience.


Brands' News


据Inditex集团最新音讯,旗下童装连锁店Kiddy's Class曾经终止运营,一切资产和负债已被转让给Zara西班牙公司。Kiddy's Class此前在西班牙、葡萄牙、法国、意大利和希腊具有210多家专卖店。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

01|Zara parent company closed children's clothing business

According to the latest news from Inditex Group, the children's clothing chain Kiddy's Class has ceased operations and all assets and liabilities have been transferred to Zara Spain. Kiddy's Class had more than 210 stores in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Greece.

02|Hugo Boss与Coty集团续约

德国高端服饰集团Hugo Boss与Coty集团续签香水受权协议,该协议始于1996年,涵盖Boss和Hugo男女香水,现有效期将延长至2035年。Hugo Boss和Coty集团决议未来的重心将放在美国市场,并经过Boss the Collection系列增强高端市场,主要针对中东和中国市场。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

02|Hugo Boss renewed contract with Coty Group

Hugo Boss and Coty Group have renewed their perfume licensing agreement, which dates back to 1996 and covers Boss and Hugo for men and women perfume, until 2035. Hugo Boss and Coty Group decided to focus on the US market in the future and strengthen the high-end market with the Boss the Collection, which will focus on the Middle East and Chinese market.



中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

03|Uniqlo to donate cold-protection products to European consumers

Japan's fast-fashion Uniqlo will donate 20 thousand Heattech and other winter products to those in need in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK. In addition to donating clothes, Uniqlo will provide 50 thousand to buy food and necessities.

Uniqlo says the donation program is part of the company's mission to stay close to local communities and improve people's lives through its LifeWear philosophy.

04|Armani Beauty全球旗舰店落户深圳

Armani Beauty(阿玛尼美妆)全球旗舰店已于12月22日在深圳One Avenue杰出中心开幕,该旗舰店占地约为300平方米,以新型高科技体验、个性化效劳为特性。据悉,该概念门店也将在2023年的第一季度登陆海南岛。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

04|Armani Beauty's global flagship store landed in Shenzhen

The global flagship store of Armani Beauty opened on 22 December at One Avenue in Shenzhen, covering an area of about 300 square meters and featuring new high-tech experiences and personalized services. The concept store will also be launched in Hainan in Q1 of 2023.

05|Nike Jordan推出全新批发概念店

12月16日,Nike Jordan(耐克乔丹)推知名为World of Flight的全新批发概念店,首站落户意大利米兰。


中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

05|Nike Jordan opened new retail concept store

Nike Jordan unveiled its new concept store called World of Flight on 16 December, with its first stop in Milan, Italy.

Nike describes the 6,000-square-foot store as the Jordan brand's “peak store” and “the future of Jordan retail -- a new venue that celebrates the heritage and future of basketball.”


Industrial New

01|LV 成搜索量最高的朴素品牌

Compare My Jet依据谷歌搜索对350个朴素品牌的数据统计显现,Louis Vuitton在统计的195个国度中位居81个国度的榜首,平均每月搜索量为1110万。排在第二和第三位的分别是奢华汽车品牌兰博基尼和梅赛德斯飞驰。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

01|Louis Vuitton was the most searched luxury brand

Louis Vuitton topped the list in 81 of the 195 countries counted, with an average of 11.1 million searches per month, according to Compare My Jet, which compares 350 luxury brands based on Google searches. In second and third place were luxury car brands Lamborghini and Mercedes Benz.




中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

02|Competition in the Asian furniture market is getting fiercer

Japan's NITORI Holdings expects to nearly triple the number of stores in the mainland of China and Southeast Asia to 300 within 3 years, surpassing the number of new openings in Japan.

Swedish furniture giant IKEA will expand its e-commerce business in China. Furniture companies are expected to seize Asia market, where the GDP growth rate is high despite rising prices and two-income households are on the rise.



中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

03|Analysts stated living with parents gives the young more money to buy luxury goods

Nearly half of 18-29-year-olds live with their parents, the highest level since 1940, according to new data from the US Census Bureau. A similar trend is being observed in the UK, according to Morgan Stanley. The proportion of people aged 15 to 34 currently living with their parents is 42%. As the number reached a new record, it help to fuel the luxury boom in the US and UK.



中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

04|Swiss watch exports surged nearly 11% in November

Swiss watch exports surged 10.9% y-o-y to 2.4 billion Swiss francs in November, the industry's best month ever, as surging US demand for high-end watches offset a slump in China, according to the latest data released by the Federation of the Swiss Watch Trade.


据findmycasino网站最新数据,位于伦敦的Harrods百货成为最受欢送的百货公司,位列第一,Selfridges百货位居第二,排名第三的是纽约的梅西百货,巴黎老佛爷百货排名第四,Saks Fifth Avenue排名第五。该网站主要依据三个指标来肯定排名,分别为全球平均谷歌搜索量、Instagram标签和Tik Tok观看量。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

05|Harrods has been voted the most popular department store

According to the latest figures from findmycasino, Harrods in London was the most popular department store, followed by Selfridges in second place, Macy's in New York in third place, Galeries Lafayette in Paris in fourth place and Saks Fifth Avenue in fifth. The rank is based on 3 metrics: average global Google searches, Instagram hashtags and Tik Tok views.


Investment and Financing


世界上最大的休闲乐园运营商之一,西班牙马德里文娱集团代表,聚会乐园集团(Parques Reunidos)计划推出融资项目。这一举措将有助于集团抵消疫情期间产生的2.35亿欧元贷款。固然全球疫情令集团在2020年被迫关闭一切产业,但集团代表讲演指出,状况将有所改善。目前,聚会乐园集团的财务评级为B-,高于2020年的CCC+评级。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

01|Parques Reunidos announced refinancing project

Parques Reunidos, one of the world's largest recreational park operators and the representative of Spain's Madrid Entertainment Group, plans to launch financing projects. This move will help the group offset the 235 million loan incurred during the epidemic.

Although the global epidemic has forced the group to close all its properties in 2020, group representatives report that the situation will improve. Currently, Parques Reunidos has a financial rating of B-, up from CCC+ in 2020.

02|L Catterton投资大码女装品牌BloomChic

LVMH集团旗下消费私募基金L Catterton日前宣布将投资大码女性线上时兴和生活方式品牌BloomChic。据悉,这笔投资估量将使BloomChic进入下一阶段的增长。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

02|L Catterton invests in over-size womenswear brand BloomChic

L Catterton, the consumer private equity under LVMH Group, has announced it will invest in over-size women's online fashion and lifestyle brand BloomChic. It is reported that the investment is expected to take BloomChic to the next stage of its growth.


据悉,瑞士独立制表商Breitling(百年灵)改换控股股东,由瑞士私募股权基金Partners Group增持股份至超越半数,成为百年灵的新大股东。此次股权买卖金额为45亿美圆,买卖最迟将于2023年2月前完成。

中东最大朴素品百货Printemps Doha开业;Zara母公司关闭 ...

03|Independent watchmaker Breitling will be acquired

Independent Swiss watchmaker Breitling has replaced its controlling shareholder with Swiss private equity fund Partners Group, which has increased its stake to more than half. The $4.5 billion equity transaction is expected to close no later than February 2023.











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